Intrapartum Ultrasonography for Labor Management: Labor Delivery and Puerperium-2판

  • 저   자 : Antonio Malvasi
  • 역   자 :
  • 출판사 : Springer
  • ISBN(13) : 9783030575977
  • 발행일 : 2022-01-06  /   2판   /   802 페이지
  • 상품코드 : 29386
  • 적립금: 3,000
  • 아마존 할인가: $115 (24.03.26 기준)

Part I Sonographic Anatomy of the Uterus
1 From the Blind Twentieth-Century Obstetrics to an Ultrasound
Twenty-First-Century Obstetrics 3

2 Brief History of Intrapartum Ultrasonography 7

3 Traditional and Sonographic Anatomy of the Pregnant Uterus 25

4 Ultrasound Anatomy of the Uterus at Term 35

5 Ultrasonography of Female Urinary System 43

Part II Traditional Obstetric Practice (of) in the Labor and Delivery
6 Clinical Evaluation of Labour and Intrapartum Sonography 55

7 General Intrapartum Sonography Setup and Use in Labor 63

8 Intrapartum Ultrasound and Bishop Score: A New Obstetric Tool 75

9 Traditional Obstetric Pelvimetry in Delivery and Labor 85

Part III Intrapartum Sonography: Set-up and Technique
10 Intrapartum Sonography and Labor Progression 109

11 Intrapartum Ultrasound Parameters (Ultrasonographic Semeiotics) 119

12 The Use of Two-Dimensional (2D), Three-Dimensional (3D) Ultrasound and Fetal Doppler Studies in the
First Stage of Labor 133

13 Pubic Arch Pelvimetry: Sonographic Evaluation of the Pubic Arch and its Effect on Delivery Outcome 145

Part IV Malpositions and Malrotation in Labor and Delivery
14 The Role of Intrapartum Sonography in Prolonged Labor 155

15 Occiput Posterior Position and Intrapartum Sonography 169

16 The Role of Intrapartum Sonography in Persistent Occiput Posterior Position and Prolonged Labor 183

17 Asynclitism: Clinical and Intrapartum Diagnosis in Labor 193

18 The Use of Ultrasound for Labor Management of Patients with Obesity 207

Part V Ultrasonographic Pelvimetry
19 Use of Cervical Length in Labor and Delivery 221

20 Cervical Dilatation by Transperineal or Translabial Ultrasound 235

21 Caput Succedaneum and Molding: Ultrasound and Digital Correlations 243

22 Semeiotics of Intrapartum Ultrasonography: New Diagnostic Sonographic Sign of Fetal Malpositions and
Malrotations 251

23 Fetal Head Rotation in Labor: Intrapartum Assessment at 2D and 3D Ultrasound 275

24 The Angle of Progression: An Objective Assessment of Fetal Head Descent in the Birth Canal 285

25 Comparison of Intrapartum Ultrasound and MRI for Detection of Station 0 in Labor 303

26 The Fetal Head-Symphysis Distance in Intrapartum Ultrasound Assessment of the Fetal Head Engagement 311

27 The Role of the Occiput-Spine Angle in Prolonged Labour and Delivery Outcome 319

28 Intrapartum Translabial Ultrasound (ITU) to Assess Birth Progress 325

Part VI Operative Vaginal Delivery (OVD) and Intrapartum Ultrasonography
29 Intrapartum Sonography: Role in the Operative Vaginal Delivery (OVD) 337

30 Intrapartum Sonography Dystocia, from Diagnosis to Operative Delivery: Use of the Right Tool at the
Right Time 347

31 Ultrasound Examination Before Vacuum Extraction 359

32 Forceps Application with Intrapartum Ultrasonography 369

33 The Second Stage of Labor: Comparison Between Traditional and Sonographic Parameters 385

Part VII Intrapartum Ultrasonography Use in Abnormal Labor and Delivery
34 Transperineal Ultrasound in Preterm Labor 399

35 Intrapartum Ultrasound and Levator Ani Modifications in Normal and Dystocic Labor 405

36 Intrapartal Ultrasound to Assess Fetal Head Position and Station in the Second Stage of Labor: State of
the Art 417

37 Use of Intrapartum Ultrasound in Low-Resource Settings: The Role of Ultrasound Triaging 445

38 Intrapartum Fetal Weight Assessment and Delivery Outcomes 453

39 Ultrasound, Fetal Weight Estimation, and Macrosomia 459

40 Shoulder Dystocia: Overview and Management Strategies 469

41 Vaginal Birth After Caesarean Section (VBAC): Possible Antenatal Predictors of Success and Role of
Ultrasound 489

Part VIII Intrapartum Ultrasonography Applications in Uterine Myomas and Abnormal Invasive Placentation
42 Intrapartum Ultrasound in Myoma Patients Before the Labor and Delivery and Management 501

43 Placenta Accreta Spectrum: Surgical Management After Using Placental Magnetic Resonance Imaging (pMRI)

44 Abnormal Invasive Placentation: Ultrasonographic Diagnosis 535

Part IX Intrapartum Ultrasonography and Labor Analgesia
45 Neuraxial Labor Analgesia Technique: Comparison of Intervertebral Lumbar Level Space Detection by
Digital Palpation and Ultrasonography 543

46 Pelvic Anatomy, Cephalopelvic Disproportion, Intrapartum Sonography and Neuraxial Analgesia 555

Part X Normal and Pathologic Peripartum Sonography
47 Peripartum Echocardiographic Assessment of Women with Cardiovascular Diseases 575

48 Ultrasonographic Diagnosis in Hypertensive and Eclamptic Patients 605

49 Ultrasonographic Evaluation of Normal and Pathologic Puerperium 615

Part XI Intrapartum Sonography and Medico-Legal Issues
50 International Guidelines of Intrapartum Ultrasonography in Labor and Delivery 635

51 Intrapartum Sonography and Clinical Risk Management 645

52 Intrapartum Ultrasonography and Medicolegal Issues 669

53 The Partogram and Sonopartogram 687

54 Fundal Pressure During the Second Stage of Labor (Kristeller Maneuver): A Critical Appraisal of Its
Potential Role in the Modern Obstetrics 695

55 Vacuum Application Using Intrapartum Sonography: Maternal and Foetal Outcomes 703

56 Fetal and Neonatal Trauma in Dystocic Labor and Delivery 715

57 Surgical Repair of Brachial Plexus for Obstetric Palsy in Shoulder Dystocia 727

Part XII Appendices
58 Prevention of Perineal Trauma During Vacuum-Assisted Vaginal Delivery 743

59 Intrapartum Sonography and Devices Used in Obstetric Practice: Current Trends and Future Perspectives

60 The Trig Medical’s LaborPro System 767

61 The Added Value of Simulation in Learning Ultrasound in Labor 775

62 The Use of Ultrasound in Labor, in Obese, and in Diabetic Patients 783

Index 799


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