Maxillofacial Trauma: A Clinical Guide-1판

  • 저   자 : Akhilesh Kumar Singh
  • 역   자 :
  • 출판사 : Springer
  • ISBN(13) : 9789813363373
  • 발행일 : 2021-05-03  /   1판   /   페이지
  • 상품코드 : 28652
  • 적립금: 6,300


This book amalgamates the basic concepts in understanding the science of maxillofacial skeleton with the clinical skills
required towards managing complex facial fractures. The book is presented in two sections.
The first section introduces the readers with the introduction to maxillofacial trauma, biomechanics of maxillofacial
skeleton, the principle of internal fixation, medicolegal aspects of maxillofacial trauma, and preoperative workup which
provides a brief outline towards an understanding of the basic concepts about the anatomy and physiology of facial skeleton.
The second section is oriented clinically with case-based discussions that start from the emergency management of facial
trauma including the recent protocols of basic life support and advanced trauma life support, emergency airway management
followed by definitive management guidelines in stabilizing and fixing the fractured facial bones. The clinical cases have
been discussed in a way to provide practical knowledge and skills to the postgraduate students and clinicians who will
enhance their knowledge and facilitate the decision-making process. This book would be a valuable read for clinicians in
oral & maxillofacial surgery, ENT surgery, plastic surgery and allied trauma specialists dealing with maxillofacial trauma.


Part I. Basic Considerations

1. Introduction to Craniomaxillofacial Trauma
2. Surgical Anatomy of the Face
3. Biomechanics of the Maxillofacial Skeleton
4. Principles of Osteosynthesis
5. Basic Introduction to Internal Fixation Devices and Armamentarium
6. Medicolegal Aspects in Maxillofacial Trauma
7. Perioperative and Anesthetic Considerations in Maxillofacial Trauma

Part II. Case Based Discussion

8. Emergency Management of Trauma Patient and General Considerations
9. Soft Tissue Injuries
10. Dentoalveolar Fractures
11. Introduction to Mandibular Fractures
12. Symphysis, Parasymphysis and Body Fractures
13. Angle and Ramus Fractures
14. Condylar Fractures
15. Introduction to Midface Fractures
16. Le Fort Fractures
17. Zygomaticomaxillary Complex Fractures
18. Naso-Orbito-Ethmoidal Complex Fractures
19. Orbital Fractures
20. Frontal Sinus Wall Fractures
21. Panfacial Trauma
22. Animal Bite, Firearm and Ballistic Injuries
23. Complications in Maxillofacial Trauma
24. Rehabilitation


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