Principles of Cell Biology-3판

  • 저   자 : Plopper
  • 역   자 :
  • 출판사 : Jones
  • ISBN(13) : 9781284149845
  • 발행일 : 2020-02-17  /   3판   /   744 페이지
  • 상품코드 : 28588
  • 적립금: 931

Title Page
Copyright Page
Dedication Page
Brief Contents
The Fourteen Principles of Cell Biology
About the Cover
About the Authors

Chapter 1 Life Is a Team Sport
1.1 The Big Picture
1.2 Life Can Arise from Simple Ingredients
Nonliving Substances Combine to Form Life
Membrane Formation Requires Water
Code Biology Helps Explain the Diversity of Life
Evidence for the Possibility of Extraterrestrial Life
1.3 All Cells Are Built from the Same Common Molecular Building Blocks
The Study of Cellular Chemistry Begins with an Examination of the Carbon Atom
Complex Biomolecules Are Mostly Composed of Chemical Building Blocks Called Functional Groups
Lipids Are Carbon-Rich Polymers That Are Insoluble in Water
Sugars Are Simple Carbohydrates
Amino Acids Form Carbon-Rich Molecules That Contain an Amino Acid Group and a Carboxylic Acid Group
Nucleotides Are Complex Structures Containing a Sugar, a Phosphate Group, and a Base
1.4 Cells Must Cooperate to Succeed
Prokaryotes Are the Simplest Forms of Cells
Eukaryotes Are Complex Cells Capable of Forming Multicellular Organisms
Biofilms Support Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Symbiosis
Macroorganismal Hosts Coevolve with Their Microbiomes to Create New Holobionts
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Chapter 2 DNA Is the Instruction Book for Life
2.1 The Big Picture
2.2 All of the Information Necessary for Cells to Respond to Their External Environment Is Stored as DNA
A Cell’s DNA Is Inherited
DNA Must Be Read to Be Useful
2.3 DNA Is Carefully Packaged into Five Levels of Organization
DNA Is a Linear Polymer of Deoxyribonucleotides
Level 1: DNA Forms an Antiparallel Double Helix
Level 2: DNA Is Bound to a Protein/RNA Scaffold
Level 3: DNA Is Twisted to Form Fibers
Level 4: DNA Fibers Attach to a Protein-RNA Scaffold
Level 5: Chromatin Is Packaged into Highly Condensed Chromosomes
2.4 Cells Chemically Modify DNA and Its Scaffold to Control Packaging
Chemical Modifications at Level 1 and Level 2 Can Affect DNA Packing Across All Levels of DNA Organization
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Chapter 3 Proteins Are the Engines of Evolution
3.1 The Big Picture
3.2 Amino Acids Form Linear Polymers
A Peptide Bond Joins Two Amino Acids Together
Definitions: Proteins Versus Polypeptides Versus Peptides Versus Subunits
3.3 Protein Structure Is Classified into Four Categories
Primary Structure Is Defined by the Linear Sequence of Amino Acids
Secondary Structure Is Defined by Regions of Repetitive, Predictable Organization in the Primary Structure
Tertiary Structure Is Defined by the Arrangement of the Secondary Structures in Three Dimensions
Quaternary Structure Is Defined by the Three-Dimensional Arrangement of Polypeptide Subunits in a Multimeric Protein
Five Classes of Chemical Bonds Stabilize Protein Structure
3.4 Changing Protein Shape and Protein Function
All Proteins Adopt at Least Two Different Shapes
Cells Chemically Modify Proteins to Control Their Shape and Function
Classification of Proteins
3.5 Where Do Proteins Go to Die?
Proteins in the Cytosol and Nucleus Are Broken Down in the Proteasome
Proteins in Organelles Are Digested in Lysosomes
Proteinases Digest Proteins in the Extracellular Space
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Chapter 4 Membranes Are Complex Fluids That Define Compartments
4.1 The Big Picture
4.2 Phospholipids Are the Basic Building Blocks of Cellular Membranes
Phospholipids Contain Four Structural Elements
The Amphipathic Nature of Phospholipids Allows Them to Form Lipid Bilayers in Aqueous Solution
Phospholipid Bilayers Are Semipermeable Barriers
4.3 The Fluid-Mosaic Model Explains How Phospholipids and Proteins Interact Within a Cellular Membrane
Membrane Proteins Associate with Membranes in Three Different Ways
Cellular Membranes Are Both Fluid and Static
4.4 Cellular Membranes Maintain Chemical Disequilibrium Between Compartments
Protein Channels, Carriers, and Pumps Regulate the Transport of Most Small Molecules Across Membranes
4.5 The Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum and Golgi Apparatus Build Most Eukaryotic Cellular Membrane Components
Glycerol and Fatty Acids Are Synthesized in the Cytosol
The Synthesis of Phosphoglycerides Begins at the Cytosolic Face of the SER Membrane
Additional Membrane Lipids Are Synthesized in the Endoplasmic Reticulum and Golgi Apparatus
Most Membrane Assembly Begins in the SER and Is Completed in the Target Organelle
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Chapter 5 The Cytoskeleton Forms the Architectural Foundation for the Structural Complexity of Life
5.1 The Big Picture
5.2 The Cytoskeleton Is Represented by Three Functional Classes of Proteins
5.3 Intermediate Filaments Are the Strongest, Stablest Elements of the Cytoskeleton
Intermediate Filaments Are Formed from a Family of Related Proteins
The Primary Building Block of Intermediate Filaments Is a Filamentous Subunit
Intermediate Filament Subunits Form Coiled-Coil Dimers
Heterodimers Overlap to Form Filamentous Tetramers
Assembly of a Mature Intermediate Filament from Tetramers Occurs in Three Stages
Posttranslational Modifications Control the Shape of Intermediate Filaments
5.4 Microtubules Organize Movement Inside a Cell
Microtubule Assembly Begins at a Microtubule-Organizing Center
The Growth and Shrinkage of Microtubules Is Called Dynamic Instability
Microtubule-Associated Proteins Regulate the Stability and Function of Microtubules
Cilia and Flagella Are Specialized Microtubule-Based Structures Responsible for Motility in Some Cells
5.5 Actin Filaments Control the Movement of Cells
The Building Block of Actin Filaments Is the Actin Monomer
Actin Polymerization Occurs in Three Stages
Actin Filaments Have Structural Polarity
5.6 Seven Classes of Proteins Bind to Actin to Control Its Polymerization and Organization
Monomer-Binding Proteins Regulate Actin Polymerization
Nucleating Proteins Regulate Actin Polymerization
Capping, Depolymerizing, and Severing Proteins Affect the Length and Stability of Actin Filaments
Crosslinking Proteins Organize Actin Filaments into Bundles and Networks
Membrane Anchors and Cytoskeletal Linkers Bridge Actin Filaments to Other Structural Proteins Including Intermediate
Filaments and Microtubules
Myosins Exert Force on Actin Filaments to Induce Cell Movement
Cell Migration Is a Complex, Dynamic Reorganization of an Entire Cell
5.7 Eukaryotic Cytoskeletal Proteins Arose from Prokaryotic Ancestors
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Chapter 6 The Rise of Multicellularity
6.1 The Big Picture
6.2 Multicellularity Is an Evolutionary Response to Selective Pressure
6.3 The Extracellular Matrix Is a Complex Network of Molecules That Fills the Spaces Between Cells in a Multicellular
Glycoproteins Form Filamentous Networks Between Cells
Proteoglycans Provide Hydration to Tissues
Matricellular Proteins Are Nonadhesive Proteins That Regulate the Functions of Extracellular Matrix Proteins
The Basal Lamina Is a Specialized Extracellular Matrix
Most Integrins Are Receptors for Extracellular Matrix Proteins
6.4 Cells Adhere to One Another via Specialized Proteins and Junctional Complexes
Tight Junctions Form Selectively Permeable Barriers Between Cells
Adherens Junctions Link Adjacent Cells
Desmosomes Are Intermediate Filament-Based Cell Adhesion Complexes
Gap Junctions Allow Direct Transfer of Molecules Between Adjacent Cells
Calcium-Dependent Cadherins Mediate Adhesion Between Cells
Calcium-Independent NCAMs Mediate Adhesion Between Neural Cells
Selectins Control Adhesion of Circulating Immune Cells
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Chapter 7 The Nucleus Is the Brain of a Cell
7.1 The Big Picture
7.2 The Nucleus Carefully Protects a Eukaryotic Cell’s DNA
The Nuclear Envelope Is a Double-Membrane Structure
Nuclear Pore Complexes Regulate Molecular Traffic into and Out of the Nucleus
The Interior of the Nucleus Is Highly Organized and Contains Many Subcompartments
7.3 DNA Replication Is a Complex, Tightly Regulated Process
DNA Polymerases Are Enzymes That Replicate DNA
DNA Replication Is Semidiscontinuous
Cells Have Two Main DNA Repair Mechanisms
Excision Systems Remove One Strand of Damaged DNA and Replace It
7.4 Mitosis Separates Replicated Chromosomes
Mitosis Is Divided into Stages
Prophase Prepares the Cell for Division
Chromosomes Attach to the Mitotic Spindle During Prometaphase
Arrival of the Chromosomes at the Spindle Equator Signals the Beginning of Metaphase
Separation of Chromatids at the Metaphase Plate Occurs During Anaphase
The Structural Rearrangements That Occur in Prophase Begin to Reverse During Telophase
Cytokinesis Completes Mitosis by Partitioning the Cytoplasm to Form Two New Daughter Cells
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Additional Reading

Chapter 8 RNA Links the Information in DNA to Actions Performed by Proteins
8.1 The Big Picture
8.2 Transcription Converts the DNA Genetic Code into RNA
RNA Polymerases Transcribe Genes in a “Bubble” of Single-Stranded DNA
Transcription Occurs in Three Stages
In Eukaryotes, Messenger RNAs Undergo Processing Prior to Leaving the Nucleus
8.3 Proteins Are Synthesized by Ribosomes Using an mRNA Template
Translation Occurs in Three Stages
8.4 At Least Five Different Mechanisms Are Required for Proper Targeting of Proteins in a Eukaryotic Cell
Signal Sequences Code for Proper Targeting of Proteins
The Nuclear Import/Export System Regulates Traffic of Macromolecules Through Nuclear Pores
Proteins Targeted to the Peroxisome Contain Peroxisomal Targeting Signals (PTS)
Secreted Proteins and Proteins Targeted to the Endomembrane System Contain an Endoplasmic Reticulum Signal Sequence
Integration of Transmembrane Proteins Requires Specific Amino Acid Sequences
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Chapter 9 The Endomembrane System Serves as the Cellular Import/Export Machinery for Most Macromolecules
9.1 The Big Picture
9.2 The Endomembrane System Is a Network of Organelles in Eukaryotic Cells
The Endomembrane System Controls Molecular Transport into and out of a Cell
Vesicles Shuttle Material Between Organelles in the Endomembrane System
9.3 Exocytosis Begins in the Endoplasmic Reticulum
Newly Synthesized Proteins Begin Posttranslational Modification as ER-Resident Proteins Help Them Fold Properly
COPII-Coated Vesicles Shuttle Proteins from the ER to the Golgi Apparatus
Resident ER Proteins Are Retrieved from the Golgi Apparatus
9.4 The Golgi Apparatus Modifies and Sorts Proteins in the Exocytic Pathway
The Golgi Apparatus Is Subdivided into Cis, Medial, and Trans Cisternae
The Trans-Golgi Network Sorts Proteins Exiting the Golgi Apparatus
9.5 Exocytosis Ends at the Plasma Membrane
Cells Use Two Mechanisms for Controlling the Final Steps of Exocytosis
9.6 Endocytosis Begins at the Plasma Membrane
Clathrin Stabilizes the Formation of Endocytic Vesicles
9.7 The Endosome Sorts Proteins in the Endocytic Pathway
The Endosome Is Subdivided into Early and Late Compartments
Proton Pump Proteins Play a Central Role in the Sorting and Activation of Endosomal Contents
9.8 Endocytosis Ends at the Lysosome
Endogenous Proteins Destined for the Lysosome Are Tagged and Sorted by the Golgi Apparatus
Digested Material Is Transported into the Cytosol
Lysosomes Can Also Degrade Some Resident Organelles
Peroxisomes Defy Classification
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Chapter 10 Chemical Bonds and Ion Gradients Are Cellular Fuel
10.1 The Big Picture
10.2 Cells Store Energy in Many Forms
The Laws of Thermodynamics Define the Rules for Energy Transfer
Fats and Polysaccharides Are Examples of Long-Term Energy Storage in Cells
High-Energy Electrons and Ion Gradients Are Examples of Short-Term Potential Energy in Cells
Nucleotide Triphosphates Store Energy for Immediate Use
Cells Couple Energetically Favorable and Unfavorable Reactions
The Amount of Potential Energy Stored in an Ion Gradient Can Be Expressed as an Electrical Potential
10.3 Storage of Light Energy Occurs in the Chloroplast
Chloroplasts Have Three Membrane-Bound Compartments
Chloroplasts Convert Sunlight into the First Forms of Cellular Energy
10.4 Cells Use a Combination of Channel, Carrier, and Pump Proteins to Transport Small Molecules Across Membranes
The Na+/K+ ATPase Maintains the Resting Potential Across the Plasma Membrane
In the Vertebrate Gut, a Leaky K+ Channel, an Na+/Glucose Symporter, and a Passive Glucose Carrier Work Together to Move
Glucose from the Gut Lumen to the Bloodstream
10.5 The First Phase of Glucose Metabolism Occurs in the Cytosol
Why a Stepwise Method of Metabolizing Glucose Is Necessary
The Ten Chemical Reactions in Glycolysis Convert a Glucose Molecule into Two Three-Carbon Compounds, Two NADH Molecules, and
Two ATP Molecules
Pyruvate Is Not an Endpoint in Glucose Metabolism
10.6 Aerobic Respiration Results in the Complete Oxidation of Glucose
Aerobic Respiration Occurs in Four Stages
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Chapter 11 Signaling Networks Are the Nervous System of a Cell
11.1 The Big Picture
11.2 Signaling Molecules Form Communication Networks
Signaling Networks Are Composed of Signals, Receptors, Signaling Proteins, and Second Messenger Molecules
11.3 Cell-Signaling Molecules Transmit Information Between Cells
Intercellular Signals Are Secreted into the Extracellular Space
Six Classes of Receptors Are Sufficient to Detect a Vast Array of Environmental Stimuli
11.4 Intracellular Signaling Proteins Propagate Signals Within a Cell
G Proteins Are Two Classes of Molecular Switches
Protein Kinases Phosphorylate Downstream Signaling Proteins
Lipid Kinases Phosphorylate Phospholipids
Ion Channels Release Bursts of Ions
Calcium Fluxes Control Calcium-Binding Proteins
Adenylyl Cyclases Form Cyclic AMP
Adaptors Facilitate Binding of Multiple Signaling Proteins
Mutations in Signaling Networks Are Common in Cancer Cells
11.5 A Brief Look at Some Common Signaling Pathways
Protein Tyrosine Kinase Signaling Pathways Control Cell Growth and Migration
Heterotrimeric G Protein Signaling Pathways Regulate a Great Variety of Cellular Behaviors
Phospholipid Kinase Pathways Work in Cooperation with Protein Kinase and G Protein Pathways
Steroid Hormones Control Long-Term Cell Behavior by Altering Gene Expression
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Chapter 12 Protein Complexes Are Cellular Decision-Making Devices
12.1 The Big Picture
12.2 Many Signaling Proteins Enter the Nucleus
Nuclear Receptors Translocate from the Cytosol to the Nucleus During Signaling
Notch Is a Transmembrane Scaffold Receptor That Enters the Nucleus
G Protein Coupled Receptors and GPCR Fragments Signal in the Nucleus
Heterotrimeric G Proteins Target Many Cellular Compartments, Including the Nucleus
Several Elements of Phosphatidylinositol Signaling Pathways Are Present in the Nucleus
Receptor Protein Tyrosine Kinases Signal in the Nucleus
Some Protein Kinases Phosphorylate Nuclear Proteins
PTEN Is a Nuclear Phosphatase
An ATP-Binding Calcium Ion Channel Is Present in the Plasma Membrane and Nuclear Envelope in Some Neurons
An Adenylyl Cyclase Is Present in the Nucleus
12.3 Effector Proteins in the Nucleus Are Grouped into Three Classes
Cohesins and Condensins Help Control the Packaging State of Chromatin
Histone Modifiers Control the Structure of Nucleosomes
Transcription Factors Promote the Expression of Genes
Epigenetic Mechanisms Alter Gene Expression Without Modifying DNA Sequences
12.4 Signal Transduction Pathways and Gene-Expression Programs Form Feedback Loops
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Chapter 13 Progression Through the Cell Cycle Is the Most Vulnerable Period in a Cell’s Life
13.1 The Big Picture
13.2 New Cells Arise from Parental Cells That Complete the Cell Cycle
The Cell Cycle Is Divided into Five Phases
The G1/S Checkpoint Is the Point of No Return
The G2/M Checkpoint Is the Trigger for Large-Scale Rearrangement of Cellular Architecture
Activation of Cyclin-CDK Complexes Begins in G1 Phase
DNA Replication Occurs in S Phase
G2 Phase Prepares Cells for Mitosis
Mitosis and Cytokinesis Occur in M Phase
13.3 Multicellular Organisms Contain a Cell Self-Destruct Program That Keeps Them Healthy
Two Different Types of Cellular Death: Necrosis and Apoptosis
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Chapter 14 Human Activity Is Triggering a Paradigm Shift in Evolution
14.1 The Big, Big Picture: A Review of Chapters 1–13
14.2 The Neuromuscular System Is an Emerging Target for Human Intervention and Artificial Selection
Neurons Transmit Signals via Action Potentials
Muscle Cells Are Effectors of Nerve Signals
Skeletal Muscle Cells Are Multinucleated, Highly Specialized Cells
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Describes a Range of Neuromuscular Diseases
14.3 Gene Editing Is a Revolutionary Advance in Artificial Selection
CRISPR/Cas9 Is a Promising, Efficient Additive to Traditional Anti-HIV Treatments
14.4 Gametogenesis, Fertilization, and Embryogenesis Form a Complex Developmental Program That Is Subject to Human
Meiosis Creates Gametes, Which Are the Two Essential Precursors of a Diploid Life
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