New Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry-3판

  • 저   자 : Geddes
  • 역   자 :
  • 출판사 : Oxford
  • ISBN(13) : 9780198713005
  • 발행일 : 2020-04-09  /   3판   /   1536 페이지
  • 상품코드 : 28457
  • 적립금: 6,480

Section 1: The subject matter and approach to psychiatry
1: The patient's perspective, Kay Redfield Jamison and Adam Ian Kaplin
2: Public attitudes and the challenge of stigma, Nicole Votruba, Mirja Koschorke, and Graham Thornicroft
3: Global mental health, Crick Lund, Dörte Bemme, and Judy Bass
4: The history of psychiatry as a medical specialty, Pierre Pichot
5: A new ethics for 21st century psychiatry, Ilina Singh, Julian Savulescu, and Matthew L. Baum
6: Foundations of phenomenology / descriptive psychopathology, Hans-Jürgen Möller
7: DSM-5 and ICD-11 classifications, Darrel A. Regier, David P. Goldberg, Geoffrey M. Reed and Bedirhan T.
8: The National Institute of Mental Health Research Domain Criteria: An alternative framework to guide
psychopathology research, Charles A. Sanislow, Sarah E. Morris, Jennifer Pacheco, and Bruce N. Cuthbert
9: Application of research evidence in clinical practice, Andrea Cipriani, Stefan Leucht, and John R.
10: A neuroscience based nomenclature for psychotropic drugs, Guy M. Goodwin, Joseph Zohar, and David J.

Section 2: The scientific basis of psychiatric aetiology and treatment
11: Neuroanatomy, Karl Zilles and Nicola Palomero-Gallagher
12: Neuroimaging technologies, Mark Woolrich, Mark Jenkinson, and Clare Mackay
13: The connectome, Olaf Sporns
14: Neurotransmitters and signalling, Trevor Sharp
15: Psychoneuroimmunology, Juan C. Leza, Javier R. Caso, and Borja García-Bueno
16: Functional genomics, Caleb Webber
17: Cognitive neuroscience: Principles and methods, Anna Christina Nobre
18: Ageing and the human brain, Verena Heise, Enik? Zsoldos, and Klaus P. Ebmeier
19: Development of brain stimulation, Helen S. Mayberg, Andrea Cowell, and Patricio Riva Posse
20: Adherence to treatment in psychiatry, Amy Chan and Rob Horne

Section 3: Intellectual disabilities
21: Core dimensions of intellectual disabilities, Anthony J. Holland
22: Epidemiology and course of intellectual disabilities, Sally-Ann Cooper
23: Aetiology of intellectual disability: General issues and prevention, Judith L. Rapoport, Dale Zhou, and
Kwangmi Ahn
24: Management and treatment of intellectual disability, José-Luis Ayuso-Mateos and Cary S. Kogan

Section 4: Autism spectrum disorders
25: Core dimensions of autism spectrum disorders, Fred R. Volkmar and Scott L. J. Jackson
26: Basic mechanisms and treatment targets for autism spectrum disorders, Emily J. H. Jones
27: Epidemiology of autism, Charles R. Newton
28: Genetics of autism spectrum disorders, Abha R. Gupta, Thomas V. Fernandez, and Ellen J. Hoffman
29: Imaging of autism spectrum disorders, Christine Eckera and Declan Murphy
30: Management and treatment of autism spectrum disorders, Emily Simonoff

Section 5: Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder
31: Core dimensions of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Eric Taylor
32: Basic mechanisms and treatment planning / targets for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Barbara
Franke and Jan K. Buitelaar
33: Epidemiology of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and the implications for its prevention,
Guilherme V. Polanczyk
34: Genetics of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Kate Langley and Anita Thapar
35: Insights from neuroanatomical imaging into attention deficit hyperactivity disorder throughout the
lifespan, Philip Shaw and Eszter Szekely
36: Management and treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Alessandro Zuddas and Sara

Section 6: Motor disorders
37: Neurodevelopmental motor disorders, Davide Martino and Antonella Macerollo

Section 7: Delirium, dementia, and other cognitive disorders
38: Pathways of neurodegeneration underlying dementia, Noel J. Buckley and George K. Tofaris
39: Delirium, Ravi S. Bhat and Kenneth Rockwood
40: Alzheimer's disease, Ivan Koychev and John Gallacher
41: Frontotemporal dementias, Akitoshi Takeda and Bruce Miller
42: Prion disease, Akin Nihat, TzeHow Mok, and John Collinge
43: Dementia with Lewy bodies, Anto P. Rajkumar and Dag Aarsland
44: Dementia in Parkinson's disease, Michele Hu and Fahd Baig
45: Dementia due to Huntington's disease, Russell L. Margolis
46: Vascular cognitive impairment, Joanne A. Byars and Ricardo E. Jorge
47: Traumatic brain injury, Christian Lepage, Inga K. Koerte, Vivian Schultz, Michael J. Coleman, and
Martha E. Shenton

Section 8: Substance use disorders
48: Substance use disorders and the mechanisms of drug addiction, Trevor W. Robbins and Barry J. Everitt
49: Genetics of substance use disorders, Yann Le Strat, Nicolas Ramoz, and Philip Gorwood
50: Alcohol use disorder, Wim van den Brink and Falk Kiefer
51: Opiates: Heroin, methadone, buprenorphine, Michael Farrell, Briony Larance, and Courtney Breen
52: Cannabis and mental illness, David J. Castle
53: Stimulants, ecstasy, and other party drugs, Adam R. Winstock and Remy Flechais
54: Psychedelics and dissociative substances, Adam Winstock and James Rucker
55: Tobacco addiction, Marcus Munafo and Meryem Grabski
56: Co-morbidity of substance use and psychiatric disorders, Julia M. A. Sinclair and Anne Lingford-Hughes

Section 9: Schizophrenia and psychotic disorders
57: The core dimensions of schizophrenia, Nancy C. Andreasen
58: Epidemiology and course of schizophrenia, Assen Jablensky
59: Genetics of schizophrenia, Kimberley M. Kendall, James T. R. Walters and Michael C. O Donovan
60: Structural and functional neuroimaging of schizophrenia, Andreea O. Diaconescu, Sandra Iglesias, and
Klaas E. Stephan
61: Schizoaffective and schizotypal disorders / acute and transient psychotic disorders, William S. Stone,
Stephen V. Faraone and Ming T. Tsuang
62: Delusional disorders, Andreas Marneros
63: Prevention and early intervention in psychotic disorders, Emre Bora, Mahesh Jayaram, and Christos
64: Antipsychotic and anticholinergic drugs, Herbert Y. Meltzer and William V. Bobo
65: The treatment and management of patients with schizophrenia, Joseph P. McEvoy, Kammarauche Asuzu,
Daniel W. Bradford, Oliver Freudenreich, and Katherine Moyer

Section 10: Mood disorders
66: Diagnosis, classification and differential diagnosis of mood disorders, S. Nassir Ghaemi and Sivan
67: Epidemiology of mood disorders, Lars Vedel Kessing
68: Primary prevention of mood disorders: Building a target for prevention strategies, Gin S. Malhi

Section 11: Bipolar disorder
69: Basic mechanisms of and treatment targets for bipolar disorder, Grant C. Churchill, Nisha Singh, and
Michael J. Berridge
70: Genetics of bipolar disorder, Francis J. MacMahon and Sevilla Detera-Wadlieigh
71: Neuroimaging of bipolar disorder, Mary L. Phillips and Wayne C. Drevets
72: Management and treatment of bipolar disorder, Eduard Vieta, Isabella Pacchiarotti, and David J.
73: Perinatal psychiatry, Ian Jones and Arianna Di Florio

Section 12: Depressive disorders
74: Basic mechanisms of and treatment targets for depressive disorders, Marcela Pereira, Roberto
Andreatini, and Per Svenningsson
75: Genetic epidemiology of depression in the molecular era, Alison K. Merikangas and Kathleen R.
76: Imaging of depressive disorders, Guy M. Goodwin and Michael Browning
77: Management and treatment of depressive disorders, Philip J. Cowen

Section 13: Trauma and stress or related and adjustment disorders
78: Classification and descriptive psychopathology of posttraumatic stress disorder and other stressor-
related disorders, Dean G. Kilpatrick, Matthew J. Friedman, and Amanda K. Gilmore
79: Basic mechanisms of and treatment targets for stress-related disorders, Bruce S. McEwen
80: Genetics of stress-related disorders, Michael G. Gottschalk and Katharina Domschke
81: Imaging of stress-related disorders, Navneet Kaur, Cecilia Hinojosa, Julia Russell, Michael B. Van
Elzakker, and Lisa M. Shin
82: Primary prevention and epidemiology of trauma and stress related disorders, Maria Bragesjö, Emily A.
Holmes, Filip Arnberg, and Erik M. Andersson
83: Management and treatment of stress-related disorders, Leigh van den Heuvel and Soraya Seedat
84: Bereavement, Beverley Raphael, Sally Wooding, and Julie Dunsmore
85: Recovered memories and false memories, Deborah Davis and Elizabeth F. Loftus

Section 14: Anxiety disorders
86: Core dimensions of anxiety disorders, Nastassja Koen and Dan J. Stein
87: Basic mechanisms, genetics, targets and animal models for anxiety disorders, Martien Kas and Berend
88: Epidemiology and course of anxiety disorders, Hans-Ulrich Wittchen and Katja Beesdo-Baum
89: Genetics of anxiety disorders, Michael G. Gottschalk and Katharina Domschke
90: Neuroimaging of anxiety disorders, Gregor Leicht and Christoph Mulert
91: The primary prevention of anxiety disorders, Aliza Werner-Seidler, Jennifer L. Hudson, and Helen
92: Treatment of anxiety disorders, David S. Baldwin and Nathan T. M. Huneke

Section 15: Obsessive-compulsive and related disorders
93: Core dimensions of obsessive-compulsive disorder, Sophie C. Snyder, Eric A. Storch, and Wayne K.
94: Basic mechanisms of and treatment / planning targets for obsessive-complusive disorder, Eric Burguière
and Luc Mallet
95: Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Lior Carmi, Naomi A. Fineberg, Oded Ben-Arush, and Joseph Zohar
96: Genetics of obsessive-compulsive disorder, Gerald Nestadt and Jack Samuels
97: Imaging of obsessive-compulsive disorder, Rebbia Shahab and Emily R. Stern
98: Management and treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder, Naomi A. Fineberg, Lynne M. Drummond, Jemma
Reid, Eduardo Cinosi, Lior Carmi, and Davis N. Mpavaenda
99: Hoarding disorder, Lorena Fernández de la Cruz and David Mataix-Cols
100: Body dysmorphic disorder, Megan M. Kelly and Katharine A. Phillips

Section 16: Feeding and eating disorders
101: The eating disorders, Chris Fairburn and Rebecca Murphy
102: Basic mechanisms and potential for treatment of weight and eating disorders, Johannes Hebebrand,
Jochen Antel, and Beate Herpertz-Dahlmann
103: Epidemiology and primary prevention of feeding and eating disorders, Katherine A Halmi
104: Genetics of feeding and eating disorders, Christopher Hüble, Cynthia Bulik, and Gerome Breen
105: Imaging of feeding and eating disorders, Natalie Kurniadi, Christina E. Wierenga, Laura A. Berner, and
Walter H. Kaye
106: Management and treatment of feeding and eating disorders, Susan L. McElroy, Anna I. Guerdjikova,
Nicole Mori, Paul L. Houser, and Paul E. Keck, Jr.
107: Aetiology and management of obesity, Jamie Hartmann-Boyce, Nerys M. Astbury, and Susan A. Jebb
108: Elimination disorders in children and adolescents, Alexander von Gontard

Section 17: Sleep wake disorders
109: Basic mechanisms of and treatment targets for sleep-wake disorders, David Pritchett, Angus S. Fisk,
Russell G. Foster, and Stuart N. Peirson
110: Diagnosis of sleep and circadian rhythm disorder, Kirstie Anderson
111: Epidemiology of sleep-wake and primary prevention of its disorders, Lena Katharina Keller, Eva C.
Winnebeck, and Till Roenneberg
112: Genetics of sleep-wake disorders, Diego R. Mazzotti, Allan I. Pack, and Philip R. Gehrman
113: Multi-modal imaging of sleep-wake disorders, Umberto Moretto, Dylan Smith, Liliana Dell Osso, and
Thien Thanh Dang-Vu
114: Management of insomnia and circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorders, Simon D. Kyle, Alasdair L. Henry,
and Colin A. Espie

Section 18: Sexual function and sexual dysfunction
115: The sexual dysfunctions and paraphilias, Cynthia A. Graham and John Bancroft
116: Gender dysphoria, Els Elaut and Gunter Heylens

Section 19: Personality disorders
117: Core dimensions of personality pathology, Andrew E. Skodol and Leslie C. Morey
118: Basic mechanisms of and treatment planning / targets for personality disorders, Kate E. A. Saunders
and Steve Pearce
119: Personality disorders: Epidemiology and clinical course, Renato D. Alarcón and Brian A. Palmer
120: Genetics of personality disorders, C. Robert Cloninger
121: Imaging of personality disorders, Christian Paret and Christian Schmahl
122: Treatment and management of personality disorder, Giles Newton-Howes and Roger Mulder

Section 20: Impulse control and conduct disorders
123: Impulse control and its disorders: including pathological gambling, Donald W. Black
124: Conduct disorders and antisocial personality disorder in childhood and adolescence, Stephen Scott and
Melanie Palmer

Section 21: Suicide
125: Epidemiology and causes of suicide, Merete Nordentoft, Trine Madsen, and Annette Erlangsen
126: Self-harm: Epidemiology and risk factors, Nav Kapur, Sarah Steeg, and Adam Moreton
127: Biological aspects of suicidal behaviour, J. John Mann and Dianne Currier
128: Prevention of suicide and treatment following self-harm, Keith Hawton, Kate E. A. Saunders, and
Alexandra Pitman

Section 22: Somatic symptoms and related disorders
129: Deconstructing dualism: The interface between physical and psychological illness, Michael Sharpe and
Jane Walker
130: Neural mechanisms in chronic pain relevant for psychiatric interventions, Chantal Berna and Irene
131: Treatment of fibromyalgia (chronic widespread pain) and chronic fatigue syndrome, Jonathan Price
132: Factitious disorder and malingering, Thomas Merten and Harald Merckelbach
133: Functional neurological symptom disorder (Conversion disorder), Jon Stone and Michael Sharpe

Section 23: Service provision
134: Public policy and service needs in mental health, Martin Knapp
135: Planning and providing mental health services for a community, Tom Burns and Tony Kendrick
136: Health economic analysis of service provision, Judit Simon
137: The organization of psychiatric services for general hospital departments: Proactive and preventive
interventions in psychiatry, William H. Sledge and Julianne Dorset
138: Refugees and populations exposed to mass conflict, Mina Fazel, Susan Rees, and Derrick Silove

Section 24: Forensic psychiatry
139: Associations between psychiatric disorder and offending, Seena Fazel and Mark Toynbee
140: Developmental approach to understanding the needs of young people in contact with the criminal justice
system, Sue Bailey and Prathiba Chitsabesan
141: Child molesters and other sexual offenders, Stephen J. Hucker
142: Stalking and querulous behaviour, Rosemary Purcell and Paul E. Mullen
143: Domestic violence and abuse and mental health, Louise M. Howard and Deirdre MacManus
144: Assessing and managing the risk of violence towards others, Alec Buchanan
145: The expert witness in the criminal and civil courts, John O Grady
146: Homicide, Matthew Large and Olav Nielssen


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