Burns' Pediatric Primary Care-7판

  • 저   자 : Maaks
  • 역   자 :
  • 출판사 : Elsevier
  • ISBN(13) : 9780323581967
  • 발행일 : 2019-11-18  /   7판   /   1088 페이지
  • 상품코드 : 28426
  • 적립금: 3,600
  • 정가: $152.99

Cover image
Title page
Table of Contents

Unit I. Influences on Child Health and Child Health Assessment

1. Health Status of Children: Global and National Perspectives
Global Health Status of Children
Progress on the Millennium Development Goals
Health Status of Children in the United States
Food and Housing Insecurity and Effect on Children’s Health
Addressing Children’s Health in the United States
Adverse Childhood Events and Impact on Child Health Outcomes
Role of Primary Care Providers for Improving Child Health

2. Unique Issues in Pediatrics
Two-Generation or Dual Patient
Looking Through a Developmental Lens
Parents, Families, and Behavioral Economics
Early Investment in Lifelong Health
Health Literacy
Transitioning to Adult Care

3. Genetics and Genomics : The Basics for Child Health
Basic Principles of Genetics
Genetics and Diseases
Patterns of Inheritance
Integration of Basic Genetics and Genomics into Pediatric Primary Care
Ethical Issues

4. Environment and Child Health
Principles for Understanding Children’s Environmental Health
Children’s Increased Risk for Environment-Related Illness
Approach to Management of Environmental Health Risks
Additional Resources

5. Child and Family Assessment
Child Assessment
Family Assessment
Additional Resources

6. Cultural Considerations for Pediatric Primary Care
Immigrant Children, Refugees, and International Adoptees
Overseas Health Assessment
Domestic Health Assessment
Mental Health Assessment
Internationally Adopted Children
Cultural Beliefs and Healing Practices
Additional Resources

7. Children With Special Health Care Needs
Identifying the Population
Levels of Complex Care
Components of Care
Care Coordination
Additional Resources
Resources for Families

Unit II. Child Development

8. Principles of Developmental Management of Children
Developmental Principles
Theories of Child Development
Theories of Family and Parent Development
Cultural Influences on Development
Management Strategies in Child Development
Concerns about Delayed Development and Developmental Red Flags
Additional Resources

9. Developmental Management of Newborns
Standards of Care
Anatomy and Physiology
After Stabilization
Management Strategies
Early Discharge and Follow-up
Common Neonatal Conditions
Head, Face, and Eye Conditions
Sudden Unexpected Infant Death

10. Developmental Management of Infants
Infant Mortality
Body Systems Maturation
Infant Development
Developmental Assessment of Infants

11. Developmental Management of Early Childhood
Development of Early Childhood
Developmental Assessment of Early Childhood
Anticipatory Guidance for Early Childhood
Common Developmental Issues in Early Childhood
Developmental Red Flags in Early Childhood

12. Developmental Management of Middle Childhood
Developmental Approach to Health Assessment and Health Promotion for Middle Childhood
Developmental Assessment of Middle Childhood
Common Developmental Issues for Middle Childhood
Overview of the Preventive Health Visit in Middle Childhood

13. Developmental Management of Adolescents and Young Adults
Adolescent and Young Adult Development
Developmental Screening and Assessment
Anticipatory Guidance During Adolescence
Phases of Adolescence
Common Developmental Issues for Adolescents

Unit III. Child Health Supervision: Health Promotion and Health Protection

14. Introduction to Health Promotion and Health Protection
Pediatric Nurse Practitioners—Then and Now
Pediatric Primary Care
The Pediatric Medical Home/Neighborhood
Bright Futures—Health Promotion and Preventive Care Initiative
Primary Care Versus Primary Prevention
Section A. Behavioral-Mental Health Wellness

15. Behavioral and Mental Health Promotion
Mental Health Foundations
Assessment of Mental Health
Mental Health Management Strategies
Behavioral Issues
Parenting Challenges and Special Circumstances
Section B. Biophysical Health Management

16. Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding Recommendations
Hospital-Based Support
Benefits of Breastfeeding
Contraindications to Breastfeeding
Stages of Milk Production
Characteristics of Human Milk
Anatomy and Physiology
Assessment of the Breastfeeding Dyad
Positions for Breastfeeding
Dynamics of Breastfeeding
Clinical Indications of Successful Breastfeeding
Maternal Nutritional Needs During Breastfeeding
Medications for Breastfeeding Mothers
Returning to Work
Common Breastfeeding Problems

17. Nutrition
Pediatric Dietary Guidelines
Nutritional Requirements and Dietary Reference Intakes
Assessment of Nutritional Status
Management Strategies for Optimal Nutrition
Altered Patterns of Nutrition in Children
Controversies in Pediatric Nutrition

18. Elimination
Normal Patterns of Elimination: Bowel and Urinary
Assessment of Patterns
Management Strategies for Normal Patterns
Altered Patterns of Elimination: Bladder and Bowel Dysfunction

19. Physical Activity and Sports for Children and Adolescents
Physical Activity: Overview
Promoting Physical Activity: Guidelines and Standards
Health Benefits of Physical Activity
Physical Activity and Children With Special Health Care Needs
Special Consideration: Atlantoaxial or Atlanto-Occipital Instability
Strategies to Support Physical Activity for Children and Adolescents
Considerations of Climate and Environment
Recreational Activities: Safety Issues
Performance Enhancing Nutrition and Supplements
The Preparticipation Sports Physical Examination for Sports
Evaluation and Management of Sports Participation for Athletes With Chronic Health Conditions
High-Risk Conditions for Sports Participation

20. Sleep
Sleep-Wake Cycle and Health
Electronic Devices and Sleep Problems
American Academy of Pediatrics Recommendations to Promote Adequate Sleep in Children
Normal Sleep Stages and Cycles
Assessment of Sleep
Sleep in Children With Developmental and Neurologic Conditions
Strategies for Prevention and Management of Sleep Problems
Common Sleep Problems
Chronic Health Conditions and Dyssomnias

21. Sexuality, Sex, and Gender Identity
Patterns of Sexuality
Assessment of Patterns of Sexual Development
Management Strategies
Section C. Health Protection–Focused Care

22. Immunizations
Vaccine Preventable Diseases
Understanding Vaccines
Immunization Schedules in the United States
Inactivated Vaccines

23. Dental Health and Oral Disorders
Dental Care Standards and Guidelines
Normal Growth and Development
Performing the Oral Examination
Aberrations in Primary Tooth Eruption and Gums
Professional Dental Care
Dental Health Education
Bacterial Diseases of the Mouth
Viral Diseases of the Mouth
Idiopathic Oral Conditions
Lifestyle Choices That Affect Dental Health
Dental Care for Children With Special Health Care Needs

24. Injury Prevention and Child Maltreatment
Unintentional Injuries
Intentional Injuries
Common Childhood Conditions and Disorders
Section A. Introduction to Child Disease Management

25. Key Concepts, Assessment, and Management of Children With Acute or Chronic Disease
Key Concepts in Disease Management of Children
Assessment and Management of Children with Acute or Chronic Illnesses

26. Prescribing Medications in Pediatrics
National Safety Goals Regarding Prescribing Medications
Regulation and Safety of Pharmaceuticals
Guidelines for Writing a Prescription
General Prescribing Guidelines
Other Factors to Consider in Medication Management

27. Complementary Medicine in Pediatric Primary Care With an Introduction to Functional Medicine
Standards and Guidelines
Use of Complementary Therapies by Children and Adolescents
Scientific Studies of Complementary Medicine Therapies
Integrating Complementary/Integrative and Functional Medicine into Pediatric Primary Care
Common Complementary Therapies for Some Health Conditions

28. Pediatric Pain and Fever Management
Pediatric Pain Management
Overview of Pain
Factors Influencing Pediatric Pain Management
Barriers to Effective Pain Management
Pain Assessment
Management of Pediatric Pain
Partnership in Care
Overview of Pediatric Fever
Factors Influencing Pediatric Fever Management
Fever Assessment
Management of Pediatric Fever
Fever Without Focus in Infants and Young Children
Fever of Unknown Origin
Section B. Disease Management

29. Perinatal Conditions
Common Neonatal Conditions

30. Neurodevelopmental, Behavioral, and Mental Health Disorders
Assessment and Management of Behavioral Health Disorders
Common Behavioral Health Disorders

31. Infectious Diseases
Pathogenesis of Infectious Diseases
Clinical Findings
Diagnostic Aids
General Management Strategies
Prevention of Infection Through the Use of Vaccines
Infections in Children in Child Care Settings
Specific Viral Diseases
Infectious Agents Used in Bioterrorism

32. Congenital and Inherited Disorders
Genetics Referral
Creating an Emergency Plan

33. Atopic, Rheumatic, and Immunodeficiency Disorders
Pathophysiology and Defense Mechanisms
Atopic Disorders
Rheumatologic Disorders
Pediatric Vasculitis
Pediatric Primary Immunodeficiency Disorders

34. Dermatologic Disorders
Anatomy and Physiology
Pathophysiology and Defense Mechanisms
Assessment of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue
Management Strategies
Bacterial Infections of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue
Fungal Infections of the Skin
Viral Infections of the Skin
Infestations of the Skin
Allergic and Inflammatory Skin Conditions
Drug Eruptions
Vascular Skin Conditions
Papulosquamous Eruptions of the Skin
Congenital Skin Conditions
Cutaneous Manifestations of Underlying Disease
Hair Loss
Body Modifications

35. Eye Disorders
Standards for Visual Screening and Care
Development, Physiology, and Pathophysiology of the Eye
Management Strategies
Visual Disorders
The Injured Eye
Deformities of the Eyelids
Visual Impairment

36. Ear and Hearing Disorders
Embryonic Development
Anatomy and Physiology
Assessment of the Ear
Standards for Hearing Screening
Ear Conditions in Children
Acute Otitis Media
Other Treatment Issues
Prevention and Education
Tympanostomy or Pressure-Equalizing Tubes

37. Respiratory Disorders
Anatomy and Physiology
Defense Systems
Assessment of the Respiratory System
Basic Respiratory Management Strategies
Disorders of Respiratory Function
Indications for Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy
Airway Disorders

38. Cardiovascular Disorders
Anatomy and Physiology
Assessment of the Cardiovascular System
Primary Health Care Management Strategies
Congenital Heart Disease: General Information
Specific Congenital Heart Diseases
Sudden Cardiac Death
Long-Term Complications for Children and Young Adults With Congenital Heart Disease: Transitioning to Adult
Acquired Heart Disease
Heart Conduction Disturbances

Chapter 39. Hematologic Disorders
Anatomy and Physiology
Erythrocyte Disorders
Platelet and Coagulation Disorders
White Blood Cell Disorders

Chapter 40. Gastrointestinal Disorders
Anatomy and Physiology
Management Strategies
Upper Gastrointestinal Tract Disorders
Lower Gastrointestinal Tract Disorders
Inflammatory Bowel Disease

41. Genitourinary Disorders
Standards of Care
Anatomy and Physiology
Pathophysiology and Defense Mechanisms
Assessment of the Genitourinary System
Genitourinary Tract Disorders
Acute Male Genitourinary Conditions

42. Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology
Anatomy, Physiology, and Assessment of the Female Reproductive System
Vulvar and Vaginal Concerns
Menstrual Concerns
Pelvic Pain
Premenstrual Syndrome
Breast Concerns
Gynecologic Concerns in Adolescents With Physical and Developmental Disabilities
Sexual Health

43. Musculoskeletal Disorders
Anatomy and Physiology
Pathophysiology and Defense Mechanisms
Assessment of the Orthopedic System
Diagnostic Studies
Management Strategies
Orthopedic Conditions Specific to Children

44. Common Pediatric Injuries and Toxic Exposures
Trauma to the Skin and Soft Tissue
Heat and Cold Injuries
Common Environmental Toxins: Heavy Metals and Pesticides

45. Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders
Anatomy and Physiology
Management Strategies
Disorders of Endocrine Function
Introduction to Inborn Errors of Metabolism
Classification of Inborn Errors of Metabolism
Metabolic Emergencies

46. Neurologic Disorders
Anatomy and Physiology
Pathophysiology and Defense Mechanisms
Assessment of the Nervous System
Management Strategies
Specific Neurologic Problems of Children: Headaches and Head Injury
Epilepsy, Febrile Seizures and Benign Paroxysmal Vertigo
Cerebral Palsy and Hypotonia
Injuries and Congenital Conditions
Infection and Immune Disorders
Neurodegenerative Disorders
Appendix A. Growth Charts
Appendix B. Body Measurements
Appendix C. Nutrition
Appendix D. Gesell Figures


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