
  • 저   자 : Feliciano
  • 역   자 :
  • 출판사 : McGraw-Hill
  • ISBN(13) : 9781260143348
  • 발행일 : 2020-09-16  /   9판   /   1440 페이지
  • 상품코드 : 27727
  • 적립금: 6,300
  • 정가: $250

I Trauma Overview
1. Kinematics 3
2. Epidemiology 15
3. Injury Prevention 31
4. Trauma Systems, Triage, and Transport 47
5. Injury Severity Scoring, Modeling, and Outcomes Research 71
6. Coding and Billing 95
7. Critical Appraisal of Trauma Research 103
8. Acute Care Surgery 129
9. Genomics and Acute Care Surgery 135
10. Prehospital Care 143
11. Rural Trauma 171

II Generalized Approaches to the Traumatized Patient
12. Disaster and Multiple/Mass Casualties 191
13. Initial Assessment 201
14. Management of the Airway 215
15. Management of Shock 239
16. Trauma-Induced Coagulopathy 271
17. Resuscitative Thoracotomy 299
18. Surgeon-Performed Ultrasound in Acute Care Surgery 317
19. Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology 341
20. Principles of Anesthesia and Pain Management in Trauma Patients 409
21. Infections 427
22. Brain 457
23. Eye 479
24. Face 499

III Management of Specific Injuries
25. Neck and Larynx 521 Endovascular Commentary to Chapter 25: Neck and Larynx 542
26. Spinal Cord and Spine 545
27. Trauma Thoracotomy: Principles and Techniques 261
28. Chest Wall and Lung 567
29. Trachea, Bronchi, and Esophagus 589
30. Heart and Thoracic Vessels 599
31. Trauma Laparotomy: Principles and Techniques 629
32. Diaphragm 645
33. Liver and Biliary Tract 657
34. Spleen 679
35. Stomach and Small Bowel 699
36. Duodenum and Pancreas 719
37. Colon and Rectum 737
38. Abdominal Vessels 747
Endovascular Commentary to Chapter 38: Abdominal Vessels 770
39. Pelvis 773
40. Genitourinary Tract 789
41. Trauma in Pregnancy 827
42. Trauma Damage Control 839
43. Upper Extremity 855
44. Lower Extremity 881
45. Peripheral Vessels 919
Endovascular Commentary to Chapter 45: Peripheral Vessels 939
46. Alcohol and Drugs 941
47. Social Violence 957
48. Pediatric Trauma 965
49. Geriatric Trauma 999

IV Specific Challenge s in Trauma
50. Wounds, Bites, and Stings 1019
51. Burns and Radiation 1049
52. Temperature-Related Syndromes 1067
53. Modern Combat Casualty Care 1077
54. Organ Donation from Trauma Patients 1099
55. Rehabilitation 1109
56. Trauma, Medicine, and the Law 1127

V Management of Complications After Trauma
57. Principles of Critical Care 1137
58. Cardiovascular Failure 1177
59. Respiratory Failure 1197
60. Gastrointestinal Failure 1219
61. Renal Failure 1235
62. Nutritional Support and Electrolyte Management 1251
63. Postinjury Inflammation and Organ Dysfunction 1289
64. Trauma and Global Health 1303

VI Atlas of Trauma
Introduction to the Atlas 1315
Head and Neck 1316
Chest and Thoracic Outlet 1325
Abdomen and Pelvis 1347
Extremity Vascular 1366

Index 1379


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