Atlas of Pelvic Anatomy and Gynecologic Surgery-5판

  • 저   자 : Baggish
  • 역   자 :
  • 출판사 : Elsevier
  • ISBN(10) : 0323654002
  • ISBN(13) : 9780323654005
  • 발행일 : 2020-12-01  /   5판   /   1417 페이지
  • 상품코드 : 27683
  • 적립금: 6,840
  • 정가: $273.99, 골반해부학, 부인과수술

Table of Contents
Video Contents
Principles of Pelvic Anatomy and Gynecologic Surgery
SECTION 1. Pelvic Anatomy
Chapter 1. Basic Pelvic Anatomy
Chapter 2. Advanced Pelvic Anatomy
Autonomic Nervous System
Pelvic Plexus
Sigmoid Colon
Bladder and Pelvic Supports
Chapter 3. Max Brodel`s Pelvic Anatomy
SECTION 2. Basic Foundations for Gynecologic Surgery
Chapter 4. Instrumentation
Needle Holders
Suction Curettes
Chapter 5. Suture Material, Suturing Techniques, and Knot Tying
Suture Types
Suture Selection
Suture Techniques
Knot Tying
Surgeon뭩 Knot
Instrument Tie
Finishing a Continuous Stitch
Chapter 6. Energy Devices
Electrosurgery뾎aser뾊armonic Scalpel
Laser Surgery
Ultrasonic Surgery
Chapter 7. Positioning and Nerve Injury
Positioning the Patient
Peripheral Nerve Injury
Compartment Syndrome
Abdominal Surgery
SECTION 3. Anterior Abdominal Wall
Chapter 8. Anatomy of the Lower Abdominal Wall
Chapter 9. Abdominal Incisions
Transverse Incisions
Midline Incision
Chapter 10. Intra-abdominal Pelvic Anatomy
Uterine Support
Pelvic Anatomy
SECTION 4. Uterus
Chapter 11. Dilatation and Curettage
Suction Curettage
Chapter 12. Foundations of Laparoscopy
Chapter 13. Abdominal Hysterectomy
Total Abdominal Hysterectomy With Bilateral Salpingo-oophorectomy
Subtotal Hysterectomy
Simple Abdominal Hysterectomy
Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
Chapter 14. Radical Hysterectomy
Supplemental Anatomy for Radical Hysterectomy and Pelvic Lymphadenectomy
Radical Hysterectomy and Pelvic Lymphadenectomy
Chapter 15. Endometrial Carcinoma With Lymph Node Sampling
Chapter 16. Myomectomy
Chapter 17. Surgical Treatment of Unusual Myoma Conditions
Chapter 18. Unification of Bicornuate Uterus
SECTION 5. Abdominal Surgery During Pregnancy
Chapter 19. Abdominal Cerclage of the Cervix Uteri
Chapter 20. Cesarean Section
Chapter 21. Cesarean Section Hysterectomy
Chapter 22. Hypogastric Artery Ligation
Chapter 23. Trophoblastic Disease
SECTION 6. Adnexa
Chapter 24. Ovarian Cystectomy and Cystotomy
Chapter 25. Surgery for Pyosalpinx, Tubo-ovarian Abscess, and Pelvic Abscess
Chapter 26. Adhesiolysis
Chapter 27. Surgical Management of Pelvic Endometriosis
Chapter 28. Surgical Management of Ectopic Pregnancy
Linear Salpingostomy for Tubal Ectopic Pregnancy
Cornual Excision and Salpingectomy for Cornual Ectopic Pregnancy
Salpingectomy for Isthmic Ectopic Pregnancy
Chapter 29. Surgical Management of Ovarian Residual and Remnant
Chapter 30. Ovarian Tumor Debulking
Chapter 31. Tuboplasty
Fimbrioplasty (Hydrosalpinx)
Midtubal Anastomosis
Cornual Anastomosis
Chapter 32. Tubal Sterilization
Modified Irving Procedure
Pomeroy Operation
Simple Bilateral Partial Salpingectomy
Uchida Operation
Silastic Band Operation
SECTION 7. Retropubic Space
Chapter 33. Anatomy and Surgical Exposure of the Retropubic Space
Surgical Exposure of the Retropubic Space
Chapter 34. Retropubic Urethropexy for Stress Incontinence and Retropubic Paravaginal Repair
Modified Burch Colposuspension
Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz Procedure
Retropubic Paravaginal Repair
Retropubic Vesicourethrolysis
SECTION 8. Retroperitoneum and Presacral Space
Chapter 35. Anatomy of the Retroperitoneum and the Presacral Space
Chapter 36. Identifying and Avoiding Ureteral Injury
Exposing the Ureter
Anatomic Relationships of Right and Left Ureters
Chapter 37. Presacral Neurectomy
Chapter 38. Uterosacral Nerve Transection
Chapter 39. Lymph Node Sampling
SECTION 9. Abdominal Operations for Enterocele and Vault Prolapse
Chapter 40. Native Tissue Suture Repair of Vaginal Vault Prolapse: Laparoscopic, Robotic, and Open Abdominal Approaches
Nonsupportive Obliterative Procedures of the Pelvic Cul-De-Sac
Supportive Procedures of the Vaginal Apex
Chapter 41. Abdominal Sacral Colpopexy and Colpohysteropexy
Technique for Open Abdominal Sacral Colpopexy with Graft Placement
Technique for Laparoscopic Sacral Colpopexy
Modifications for Cervicosacropexy
Technique for Abdominal Sacral Colpohysteropexy
Cervical, Vaginal, Vulvar Surgery
SECTION 10. Cervical Surgery
Chapter 42. Anatomy of the Cervix
Chapter 43. Colposcopy of the Cervix
Chapter 44. Conization of the Cervix
Cold-Knife Conization
Laser Conization
Conization During Pregnancy
Loop Electrical Excision Conization
Loop Electrical Excision by Selective Double-Excision (밫op Hat? Technique
Combination Conization
Chapter 45. Cervical Polypectomy
Chapter 46. Relief of Cervical Stenosis
Chapter 47. Cervical Cerclage
Chapter 48. Cervical Stump Excision (Trachelectomy)
SECTION 11. Vaginal Surgery
Chapter 49. Anatomy of the Vagina
Lower Third
Middle Third
Upper Third
Chapter 50. Anatomy of the Support of the Anterior and Posterior Vaginal Walls
Surgical Anatomy of the Posterior Vaginal Wall
Surgical Anatomy of the Anterior Vaginal Wall
Chapter 51. Vaginal Hysterectomy
Simple Vaginal Hysterectomy
Difficult Vaginal Hysterectomy
Chapter 52. Native Tissue Vaginal Repair of Cystocele, Rectocele, and Enterocele
Anterior Vaginal Wall Prolapse
Posterior Vaginal Wall Defects
Chapter 53. Vaginal Native Tissue Suture Repair 
of Vaginal Vault Prolapse
Sacrospinous Ligament Suspension
Iliococcygeus Fascia Suspension
High Uterosacral Ligament Suspension
Chapter 54. Obliterative Procedures for the Correction of Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Obliterative Procedures
Chapter 55. Synthetic Midurethral Slings for the Correction of Stress Incontinence
Retropubic Synthetic Midurethral Slings
Transobturator Synthetic Midurethral Slings
Single-Incision Midurethral Slings
Surgical Management of Postoperative Voiding Dysfunction
Chapter 56. Avoiding and Managing Synthetic Mesh Complications After Surgeries for Urinary Incontinence and Pelvic
Organ Prolapse
Mesh-Related Complications After Sacrocolpopexy
Mesh Complications After Synthetic Midurethral Slings
Complications After Transvaginal Mesh Placement for Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Chapter 57. Pubovaginal Slings for the Correction of Stress Incontinence
Managing Postoperative Voiding Dysfunction
Chapter 58. Benign Lesions of the Vaginal Wall
Solid Masses
Chapter 59. Congenital Vaginal Abnormalities
Labial Fusion/Agglutination
Imperforate Hymen
Vaginal Agenesis
Transverse Vaginal Septum
Longitudinal Vaginal Septum
Obstructed Hemivagina
Bladder Exstrophy
Chapter 60. Iatrogenic Vaginal Constriction
Free Skin Grafts
Perineal Flaps
Abdominal Flaps
Chapter 61. Vaginectomy
Carbon Dioxide Laser
SECTION 12. Vulvar and Perineal Surgery
Chapter 62. Vulvar and Perineal Anatomy
Chapter 63. Atlas of Vulvar Disorders
Part 1
Noninfective Inflammatory Lesions
Lichenification Disorders
Hyperplastic Vulvitis
Cystic Lesions
Bullous-Ulcerative Lesions, Including Tubercular Lesions
Intraepithelial and Invasive Neoplasia
Blood Vascular Lesions
Sampling Techniques
Chapter 64. Bartholin Duct Cyst and Abscess
Chapter 65. Surgery for Vulvar Vestibulitis 
Syndrome (Vulvodynia)
Simple Vestibulectomy
Vestibulectomy With Radical Bartholin 
Gland Excision
Chapter 66. Wide Excision With or Without Skin Graft
Chapter 67. Laser Excision and Vaporization
Laser Excision by Thin Section
Laser Vaporization
Chapter 68. Anatomy of the Groin and Femoral Triangle
Chapter 69. Vulvectomy
Simple Vulvectomy
Radical Vulvectomy
Chapter 70. Radical Vulvectomy With Tunnel Groin Dissection
Chapter 71. Vulvar Hematoma
Chapter 72. Correction of Clitoral Phimosis
Chapter 73. Hymenotomy (Hymenectomy)
Chapter 74. Plastic Repair of the Perineum (Perineorrhaphy)
Chapter 75. Benign Lesions of the Groin and the Canal of Nuck
Hidradenitis and Other Groin Lesions
Lesions of the Canal of Nuck
Chapter 76. Surgery for Other Benign Lesions of the Vulva
Inclusion Cyst
Labial Fusion
Draining Vulvar Lesions
Vulvar Hemangiomas and Varicosities
Condyloma Acuminata
Chapter 77. Therapeutic Injection
Alcohol Injection
Dexamethasone Injection
Chapter 78. Episiotomy
Mediolateral Episiotomy
Midline Episiotomy
Repair of Third-Degree Laceration
Repair of Fourth-Degree Laceration
Other Related Gynecologic Surgery
SECTION 13. Surgical Procedures Performed on the Lower Urinary Tract
Chapter 79. Anatomy of the Urethra
Chapter 80. Surgical Repair of Urethral Prolapse
Chapter 81. Repair of Urethrovaginal Fistula
Chapter 82. Repair of Suburethral Diverticulum
Chapter 83. Martius Fat Pad Transposition and Urethral Reconstruction
Martius Fat Pad Transposition
Urethral Reconstruction
Chapter 84. Surgical Anatomy of the Bladder and Pelvic Ureter
Chapter 85. Suprapubic Catheter Placement
Chapter 86. Repair of Advertent and Inadvertent Cystotomy
Opening and Closing the Bladder
Repair of Bladder Lacerations
Chapter 87. Abdominal Repair of Vesicovaginal and Vesicouterine Fistula
Abdominal Repair of Vesicovaginal Fistula
Repair of Vesicouterine Fistula
Chapter 88. Vaginal Repair of Vesicovaginal Fistula
Chapter 89. Managing Ureteral Injury During Pelvic Surgery
Ureterotomy and Catheterization
Ureteroneocystostomy With Bladder Extension
Boari-Ocherblad Flap
Chapter 90. Surgical Management of Refractory Overactive Bladder and Detrusor Compliance Abnormalities
Evaluation of Patients
General Introduction to Three Modalities
Surgical Techniques
SECTION 14. Bowel Surgery
Chapter 91. Intestinal Surgery
Anatomy of the Small and Large Intestine
Chapter 92. Small Bowel Repair/Resection
Chapter 93. Closure of a Simple Transmural Injury to the Small Intestine
Chapter 94. Meckel뭩 Diverticulum
Chapter 95. Appendectomy
Chapter 96. Colon Repair/Colostomy Creation
Large Bowel Preparation
Chapter 97. Repair of Primary and Recurrent Rectovaginal Fistulas
Transvaginal Repair of Primary Rectovaginal Fistula
Transanal Endorectal Advancement Flap Procedure
Transvaginal Repair of Recurrent Rectovaginal Fistula
Chapter 98. Anal Sphincter Repair and Perineal Reconstruction
Anatomy of the Rectum and Anal Sphincters
Repair of the Anal Sphincter
Chapter 99. Transperineal Repair of Rectal Prolapse
Perineal Proctectomy (Altemeier Repair)
SECTION 15. Cosmetic and Gender Reassignment Surgery
Chapter 100. Surgery for Labial Hypertrophy
Chapter 101. Vaginoplasty, Perineal Reconstruction, and the Use of Energy Sources in the Vaginal Canal and on the Skin
of the Vulva
Chapter 102. Gender Affirmation Surgery (Vaginoplasty) for the Transgender Woman
Preoperative Considerations
Vaginoplasty Technique
Postoperative Care and Considerations
SECTION 16. The Breast
Chapter 103. The Breast
Anatomy of the Female Breast
Clinical Breast Examination
Fine-Needle Aspiration
Endoscopy and Endoscopic Surgery
SECTION 17. Hysteroscopy
Chapter 104. Hysteroscopic Instrumentation
Chapter 105. Removal of Uterine Septum
Chapter 106. Ablation Techniques
Chapter 107. Minimally Invasive Nonhysteroscopic Endometrial Ablation
Chapter 108. Resection of Submucous Myoma
Chapter 109. Complications of Hysteroscopy
SECTION 18. Laparoscopy
Chapter 110. Pelvic Anatomy From the Laparoscopic View
Chapter 111. The Operating Room Suite and Instrumentation
Laparoscopy Tower
Laparoscopic Instrument Table
Vaginal Instrument Table
Chapter 112. Trocar Placement
Anatomic Sites for Access
Choosing the Suitable Anatomic Site for Access
General Principles for Primary Access to the Peritoneal Cavity
Techniques for Access
Choosing a Technique for Abdominal Cavity Access
Complications (see Chapter 119)
Accessory Trocar Insertion
Chapter 113. Diagnostic Laparoscopy
Standard Diagnostic Laparoscopy
Chapter 114. Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
Single-Port Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
Chapter 115. Laparoscopic Adnexal Surgery
Ovarian Cystectomy
Ectopic Pregnancy
Tubal Ligation
Chapter 116. Laparoscopic Surgery for Stress Urinary Incontinence (Burch Colposuspension)
Chapter 117. Laparoscopic Surgery for Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Laparoscopic Sacral Colpopexy
Laparoscopic Uterosacral Ligament Plication and Shortening
Chapter 118. Robotic Surgery in Gynecology
Comparison of Laparoscopy and Robotics Technology
da Vinci Surgical System
Applications in Gynecology
Robotic Simple Hysterectomy
Robotic Column Location
Trocar Position
Robotic Instrumentation
Assistant and Scrub Nurse Roles
Division of Pelvic Peritoneum and Round Ligament
Division of Uterine Vessels
Bladder Mobilization: Dissection of the Vesicovaginal Space
Division of Cardinal Ligaments
Removal of Uterus
Cuff Closure
Chapter 119. Major Complications Associated With Laparoscopic Surgery
Vascular and Intestinal Injury
Laparoscopic Approach
Operative Procedure
Ureteral Injury
SECTION 19. Cystourethroscopy
Chapter 120. Cystourethroscopy
Indications and Techniques
Urethroscopy (Normal and Abnormal Findings)
Cystoscopy (Normal and Abnormal Findings)
Operative Cystoscopy
Suprapubic Telescopy
Surgery for Transgender Conditions
SECTION 20. Surgery for Transgender Conditions
Chapter 121. Surgery for Transgender Conditions


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