Pediatrics: A Case-Based Review

  • 저   자 : Kreckmann
  • 역   자 :
  • 출판사 : Thieme
  • ISBN(13) : 9783132053618
  • 발행일 : 2019-06-12  /   1판   /   314 페이지
  • 상품코드 : 27560
  • 적립금: 1,700


Sharpen your diagnostic and problem-solving skills with these 85 selected pediatric teaching cases,
fully detailed and illustrated

Going well beyond the purely theoretical, this collection of cases will help you simulate the thought process you
would engage when working with real patients. Supplemented by excellent color photographs and radiologic images,
diagnostic imaging studies, lab results, tables and schematics, and more, the book is packed with valuable
information that will help clear your way to greater confidence in managing your pediatric patients.

Key Features:
  • Great clinical relevance with emphasis on a case- and problem-oriented approach
  • Suggestions for questions to ask in taking the history
  • Answer section with detailed commentary on the individual cases
  • Cases highlighting social pediatrics, adolescent psychiatry, and pediatric surgery
  • Training in the use of diagnostic imaging
  • Helpful as a supplement when preparing for board examinations

  • Table of Contents: By cases
    Table of Contents: By topics
    Table of Contents: Answers and Comments

    Table of Contents: By cases
    1 Six-year-old boy with high fever, vomiting, and headache
    2 Child with barking cough and dyspnea
    3 Child with high fever and seizure
    4 Apathetic infant with persistent skin folds
    5 Two-year-old girl with colic-like stomach pains and vomiting
    6 Twelve-month-old boy comes for a health screening
    7 Ten-year-old boy with painfully swollen knee
    8 Girl with petechial dermatorrhagie
    9 Infant with projectile vomiting
    10 Young girl with recurrent shortness of breath
    11 Fourteen-month-old toddler with “runny ear”
    12 Three-year-old boy who has had contact with chicken pox

    13 Five-year-old girl with a swollen jaw angle
    14 Severely ill infant with cough and shortness of breath
    15 Young girl with difficulty swallowing and fatigue
    16 Two-year-old boy with coughing fit and cyanosis
    17 Twelve-month-old boy with screaming fit and swollen testicles
    18 Eight-year-old boy with macrohematuria
    19 Boy almost 1-year-old with failure to thrive
    20 Macrosomal newborn after obstructed labor with shoulder dystocia
    21 Ten-year-old girl with fever and headache
    22 Eight-year-old boy with high fever and rash
    23 Five-year-old girl after fall from jungle gym
    24 Infant with high fever, sucking weakness, and vomiting
    25 Toddler burned by boiling water
    26 Five-year-old girl with abdominal pain and anal itching
    27 Fourteen-year-old girl with weight loss and social withdrawal
    28 Newborn whose mother has poorly controlled diabetes mellitus
    29 Five-year-old girl with hematuria
    30 Three-year-old boy with numerous pigment spots
    31 Feverish 2-year-old girl with pustulent crusty rash
    32 Hypotrophic newborn with abnormal phenotype
    33 Five-year-old boy with knee pain and protective limping
    34 Ten-year-old boy with scleral icterus
    35 Fifteen-month-old child with an abrasion and no tetanus vaccination
    36 Fifteen-year-old girl found unconscious with hypothermia
    37 Two-year-old child who has ingested an unknown fluid
    38 Five-day-old newborn with icterus and sucking weakness
    39 Three-year-old girl refusing to eat
    40 Newborn with morphological abnormalities
    41 Two siblings with itching and eczematous changes on the skin of the neck and head
    42 Consultation regarding “sudden infant death syndrome” (SIDS)
    43 Five-year-old boy with high fever and abdominal pain
    44 Four-year-old boy with recurrent urinary tract infections
    45 Seven-year-old boy with pneumonia and bone pain
    46 Four-year-old boy with fever and exanthema
    47 Four-year-old girl with facial swelling
    48 Five-year-old girl with pale skin and splenomegaly
    49 Seven-year-old girl with headaches and abnormal behavior
    50 Four-year-old boy with pain in right lower abdomen
    51 Three-year-old girl with protective posture of right arm
    52 Ten-year-old boy with tingling paresthesia, speech disorder, and headache
    53 Sixteen-month-old boy with undescended testis
    54 Eight-year-old boy with abdominal pain and weight loss
    55 Premature birth in the 28th week of pregnancy with shortness of breath and abdominal pain on pressure
    56 Five-year-old boy with intense abdominal pain
    57 Two-year-old boy with a high fever, rash, and swollen joints
    58 Four-month-old screaming infant with inguinal swelling
    59 Nineteen-month-old girl with bloody diarrhea, hematomas, and anuria
    60 Newborn with persistent cyanosis
    61 Four-year-old boy with rattling breath and hypersalivation
    62 Six-year-old boy with failure to thrive and recurrent pulmonary infections
    63 Fourteen-year-old girl who collapsed on a school trip
    64 Three-year-old boy with deteriorating general condition and gastroenteritis
    65 Healthy newborn delivered by cesarean section
    66 Eleven-year-old boy with high fever and joint pain
    67 Newborn boy with conspicuous genitals
    68 Six-year-old girl with abnormal appearance
    69 Premature baby with acute deterioration of general condition
    70 Four-year-old girl with fatigue and difficulty concentrating
    71 Exasperated parents with an 8-week-old screaming baby in the emergency department
    72 Five-month-old infant with severe cough for the past few weeks
    73 Fourteen-year-old girl with recurrent abdominal pain
    74 Fifteen-year-old boy with no signs of progressing puberty
    75 Two separate cases of infants following a fall from the changing table
    76 Attention in the delivery room for newborns with congenital deformities
    77 Newborn born in the 41st week of pregnancy after pathological CTG
    78 Young boy with palpitations, reduced performance, and shortness of breath
    79 Almost 2-year-old boy, with neurodermatitis
    80 A young colleague during the pediatric admission examination
    81 Five-month-old boy with therapy-resistant diarrhea
    82 Thirteen-year-old school girl with petechiae in poor general condition
    83 Fourteen-month-old boy with persistent nosebleed and hematomas
    84 Uncontrollable 6-year-old boy with aggressive behavior
    85 Twelve-year-old boy with painful swelling of the right foot

    Table of Contents: Answers and Comments
    Answers and Comments
    1 Meningitis
    2 Krupp syndrome
    3 Febrile seizure
    4 Severe exsiccosis/toxicosis in acute gastroenteritis
    5 Invagination
    6 Health screenings and the health log
    7 Lyme borreliosis
    8 Schoenlein–Henoch purpura
    9 Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
    10 Bronchial asthma
    11 Acute otitis media
    12 Varicella (chicken pox)

    13 Lymphadenitis colli
    14 Bronchiolitis
    15 Infectious mononucleosis
    16 Foreign body aspiration
    17 Testicular torsion
    18 Post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis
    19 Celiac disease
    20 Injuries of birth trauma
    21 Acute sinusitis
    22 Childhood diseases: Scarlet fever, measles, mumps, pertussis
    23 Cerebral concussion
    24 Urosepsis/Urinary tract infection
    25 Burns
    26 Oxyuriasis
    27 Anorexia nervosa
    28 Diabetic (embryo-) fetopathy
    29 Nephroblastoma (Wilms tumor)
    30 Neurofibromatosis (von Recklinghausen disease)
    31 Contagious impetigo in atopic dermatitis
    32 Ullrich–Turner syndrome
    33 Hip diseases in childhood
    34 Hepatitis A
    35 Immunizations
    36 Alcohol intoxication and alcohol abuse
    37 Intoxications
    38 Neonatal icterus (Hyperbilirubinemia)
    39 Gingivostomatitis herpetica (ulcerative)
    40 Down syndrome (Trisomy 21)
    41 Pediculosis capitis (Head lice)
    42 Sudden infant death
    43 Lobar pneumonia
    44 Urinary tract infection and vesicoureterorenal reflux
    45 Acute lymphatic leukemia
    46 Kawasaki syndrome
    47 Nephrotic syndrome
    48 Spherocytosis (Hereditary spherical cell anemia)
    49 Medulloblastoma
    50 Acute appendicitis
    51 Chassaignac’s paralysis
    52 Migraine
    53 Undescended testis
    54 Diabetes mellitus Type I
    55 Respiratory distress syndrome, retinopathy of prematurity, NEC
    56 Constipation
    57 Systemic juvenile chronic arthritis (Still syndrome)
    58 Inguinal hernia
    59 Hemolytic–uremic syndrome (HUS)
    60 Congenital heart defect
    61 Tonsillitis, peritonsillar abscess, rheumatic fever
    62 Cystic fibrosis
    63 Epileptic seizure
    64 Salmonella enteritis
    65 First care and first examination of a neonate
    66 Influenza (the flu)
    67 Hypospadia
    68 Normal and pathological development of puberty
    69 Bacterial infections of the neonate
    70 Adenoid hyperplasia
    71 Counseling of parents of screaming child, breastfeeding, and nutrition
    72 Tuberculosis
    73 Cardinal symptom abdominal pain
    74 Overweight and obesity
    75 Falling from the changing table (craniocerebral trauma, child abuse)
    76 Omphalocele and laparoschisis
    77 Neonatal diseases caused by pre-birth injuries
    78 Somatization syndrome
    79 Neurodermitis
    80 Anomalies in pediatric examination; neonatal reflexes
    81 Neuroblastoma
    82 Meningococcal sepsis/Waterhouse–Friderichsen syndrome
    83 Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)
    84 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
    85 Acute hematogenous osteomyelitis



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