Topical Diagnosis in Neurology Anatomy Physiology Signs Symptoms-6판

  • 저   자 : Bahr
  • 역   자 :
  • 출판사 : Thieme
  • ISBN(13) : 9783132409583
  • 발행일 : 2019-05-25  /   6판   /   332 페이지
  • 상품코드 : 26905
  • 적립금: 1,620

The perennial neurology classic, updated and expanded

The sixth edition of Duus' classic Topical Diagnosis in Neurology builds on the clear, integrated presentation
of anatomy, function, and disorders of the central nervous system that made it a success for almost over five decades,
serving as a quick reference for practitioners and trainees alike.
It elucidates the neuroanatomical pathways that lead to specific clinical syndromes, and demonstrates how comprehensive
anatomical knowledge combined with a thorough neurological examination can help localize and categorize a lesion and
arrive at a differential diagnosis.

The time-tested logical, thematic structure with useful summaries, at the beginning of each chapter, and color-coded
section headings enable readers to distinguish neuroanatomical from clinical material at a glance and enable efficient
and time saving study.

Features of the sixth edition:
New tables and clinical case examples
Improved descriptions of neuroanatomical/neurophysiological basics in the context of clinical symptoms
Twenty-three new illustrations, to a total of more than 400 illustrations
A wide range of study aids and clinical correlations that support the emphasis on integrative medicine in the current
medical school curricula

Topical Diagnosis in Neurology is an ideal reference for neurologists and neuroscientists who correlate neurological
diseases with anatomical location to arrive at a diagnosis or understand a clinical syndrome. It is also an essential
tool for trainees and advanced students who need a solid grounding in key neurofunctional relationships.

This book includes complimentary access to a digital copy on

1 Elements of the Nervous System

2 Somatosensory System

3 Motor System

4 Brainstem

5 Cerebellum

6 Diencephalon and Autonomic Nervous System

7 Limbic System

8 Basal Ganglia

9 Cerebrum

10 Coverings of the Brain and Spinal Cord; Cerebrospinal Fluid and Ventricular System

11 Blood Supply and Vascular Disorders of the Central Nervous System


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