This study guide offers a systematic, comprehensive and focused approach to preparation for the MRCOG Part 3
Clinical Assessment exam. After an initial introduction, the text divides by OSCE station, beginning with an analysis
of what the station is testing and what approaches and preparation are required, supported by tips and examples;
this is followed by thoroughly worked practice questions based upon the exam format, with an analysis of how these
are likely to be marked. Practice exam 'circuits' with fully worked questions and answers conclude the book.
Section I: Preparation for the MRCOG Part 3
1. Preparation for the MRCOG Part 3, 2
Section II: Techniques for specific OSCE stations
2. History and management stations, 9
3. Communication, counselling and breaking bad news, 21
4. Results interpretation and management, 47
5. Critical appraisal of the medical literature and audit, 53
6. Equipment, surgery and practical procedures, 62
7. Emergencies, 85
8. Structured oral examination (viva), 95
9. Teaching, 100
Section III: OSCE practice circuits
10. Practice circuit 1, 112
11. Practice circuit 2, 156