Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine-20판(IE)

  • 저   자 : Kasper
  • 역   자 :
  • 출판사 : McGraw-Hill
  • ISBN(13) : 9781259644030
  • 발행일 : 2018-08-13  /   20판   /   4048 페이지
  • 상품코드 : 26392
  • 적립금: 5,000

Introducing the Landmark Twentieth Edition of the Global Icon of Internal Medicine

The definitive guide to internal medicine is more essential than ever with the latest in disease mechanisms, updated
clinical trial results and recommended guidelines, state-of-the art radiographic images, therapeutic approaches and
specific treatments, hundreds of demonstrative full-color drawings, and practical clinical decision trees and

Recognized by healthcare professionals worldwide as the leading authority on applied pathophysiology and clinical
medicine, Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine gives you the informational foundation you need to provide the
best patient care possible.

Essential for practice and education, the landmark 20th Edition features:
•Thoroughly revised content―covering the many new breakthroughs and advances in clinical medicine that have occurred
since the last edition of Harrison’s. Chapters on acute and chronic hepatitis, management of diabetes, immune-based
therapies in cancer, multiple sclerosis, cardiovascular disease, HIV, and many more, deliver the very latest
information on disease mechanisms, diagnostic options, and the specific treatment guidance you need to provide optimal
patient care.

•State-of-the-art coverage of disease mechanisms: Harrison’s focuses on pathophysiology with rigor, and with the goal
of linking disease mechanisms to treatments. Improved understanding of how diseases develop and progress not only
promotes better decision-making and higher value care, but also makes for fascinating reading and improved retention.
Harrison’s summarizes important new basic science developments, such as the role of mitochondria in programmed and
necrotic cell death, the immune system’s role in cancer development and treatment, the impact of telomere shortening
in the aging and disease processes, and the role of the microbiome in health and disease. Understanding the role of
inflammation in cardiovascular disease, the precise mechanisms of immune deficiency in HIV/AIDS, prions and misfolded
proteins in neurodegenerative diseases, and obesity as a predisposition to diabetes are just a few examples of how
edition provides essential pathophysiology information for health professionals.

•All-new sections covering a wide range of new and emerging areas of vital interest to all healthcare professionals.
New sections include: Sex and Gender-based Issues in Medicine; Obesity, Diabetes Mellitus, and Metabolic Syndrome; and
Consultative Medicine― Plus, a new Part covering cutting-edge topics in research and clinical medicine includes great
new chapters on the role of Epigenetics in Health and Disease, Behavioral Strategies to Improve Health, Genomics and
Infectious Diseases, Emerging Neuro-Therapeutic Technologies, and Telomere Function in Health and Disease, and Network
System Medicine.

•Important and timely new chapters―such as Promoting Good Health, LGBT Health, Systems of Healthcare, Approach to
Medical Consultation, Pharmacogenomics, Antimicrobial Resistance, Worldwide Changes in Patterns of Infectious
Neuromyelitis Optica, and more―offer the very latest, definitive perspectives on must-know topics in medical
and practice.

•Updated clinical guidelines, expert opinions, and treatment approaches from world-renowned editors and authors
contribute to the accuracy and immediacy of the text material and present a clear blueprint for optimizing patient

•End-of-chapter suggested readings reinforce the text material and provide a robust platform for further study and


Part 1: The Profession of Medicine

1 The Practice of MedicineThe Editors
2 Promoting Good HealthDonald M. Lloyd-Jones, Kathleen M. McKibbin
3 Decision-Making in Clinical MedicineDaniel B. Mark, John B. Wong
4 Screening and Prevention of DiseaseKatrina A. Armstrong, Gary J. Martin
5 Health Care Systems in Developed CountriesRichard B. Saltman
6 The Safety and Quality of Health CareDavid W. Bates
7 Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health CareJoseph R. Betancourt, Alexander R. Green
8 Ethical Issues in Clinical MedicineBernard Lo, Christine Grady
9 Palliative and End-of-Life CareEzekiel J. Emanuel

Part 2: Cardinal Manifestations and Presentation of Diseases

Section 1: Pain

10 Pain: Pathophysiology and ManagementJames P. Rathmell, Howard L. Fields
11 Chest DiscomfortDavid A. Morrow
12 Abdominal PainDanny O. Jacobs
13 HeadachePeter J. Goadsby
14 Back and Neck PainJohn W. Engstrom

Section 2: Alterations in Body Temperature

15 FeverCharles A. Dinarello, Reuven Porat
16 Fever and RashElaine T. Kaye, Kenneth M. Kaye
17 Fever of Unknown OriginChantal P. Bleeker-Rovers, Jos W. M. van der Meer

Section 3: Nervous System Dysfunction

18 SyncopeRoy Freeman
19 Dizziness and VertigoMark F. Walker, Robert B. Daroff
20 FatigueJeffrey M. Gelfand, Vanja C. Douglas
21 Neurologic Causes of Weakness and ParalysisMichael J. Aminoff
22 Numbness, Tingling, and Sensory LossMichael J. Aminoff
23 Gait Disorders, Imbalance and FallsJessica M. Baker, Lewis R. Sudarsky
24 Confusion and DeliriumS. Andrew Josephson, Bruce L. Miller
25 DementiaWilliam W. Seeley, Bruce L. Miller
26 Aphasia, Memory Loss, Hemispatial Neglect, Frontal Syndromes and Other Cerebral DisordersM.-Marsel Mesulam
27 Sleep DisordersThomas E. Scammell, Clifford B. Saper, Charles A. Czeisler

Section 4: Disorders of Eyes, Ears, Nose, and Throat

28 Disorders of the EyeJonathan C. Horton
29 Disorders of Smell and TasteRichard L. Doty, Steven M. Bromley
30 Disorders of HearingAnil K. Lalwani
31 Sore Throat, Earache, and Upper Respiratory SymptomsMichael A. Rubin, Larry C. Ford, Ralph Gonzales
32 Oral Manifestations of DiseaseSamuel C. Durso

Section 5: Alterations in Circulatory and Respiratory Functions

33 DyspneaRebecca M. Baron
34 Cough Christopher H. Fanta
35 HemoptysisAnna K. Brady, Patricia A. Kritek
36 Hypoxia and CyanosisJoseph Loscalzo
37 EdemaEugene Braunwald, Joseph Loscalzo
38 Approach to the Patient with a Heart MurmurPatrick T. O’Gara, Joseph Loscalzo
39 PalpitationsJoseph Loscalzo

Section 6: Alterations in Gastrointestinal Function

40 DysphagiaIkuo Hirano, Peter J. Kahrilas
41 Nausea, Vomiting, and IndigestionWilliam L. Hasler
42 Diarrhea and ConstipationMichael Camilleri, Joseph A. Murray
43 Unintentional Weight LossJ. Larry Jameson
44 Gastrointestinal BleedingLoren Laine
45 JaundiceSavio John, Daniel S. Pratt
46 Abdominal Swelling and AscitesKathleen E. Corey, Lawrence S. Friedman

Section 7: Alterations in Renal and Urinary Tract Function

47 Dysuria, Bladder Pain, and the Interstitial Cystitis/ Bladder Pain SyndromeJohn W. Warren
48 Azotemia and Urinary AbnormalitiesDavid B. Mount
49 Fluid and Electrolyte DisturbancesDavid B. Mount
50 Hypercalcemia and HypocalcemiaSundeep Khosla
51 Acidosis and AlkalosisThomas D. DuBose, Jr.

Section 8: Alterations in the Skin

52 Approach to the Patient with a Skin DisorderKim B. Yancey, Thomas J. Lawley
53 Eczema, Psoriasis, Cutaneous Infections, Acne, and Other Common Skin DisordersLeslie P. Lawley, Calvin O. McCall,
Thomas J. Lawley
54 Skin Manifestations of Internal DiseaseJean L. Bolognia, Irwin M. Braverman
55 Immunologically Mediated Skin DiseasesKim B. Yancey, Thomas J. Lawley
56 Cutaneous Drug ReactionsRobert G. Micheletti, Misha Rosenbach, Bruce U. Wintroub, Kanade Shinkai
57 Photosensitivity and Other Reactions to LightAlexander G. Marneros, David R. Bickers

Section 9: Hematologic Alterations

58 Interpreting Peripheral Blood Smears Dan L. Longo
59 Anemia and PolycythemiaJohn W. Adamson, Dan L. Longo
60 Disorders of Granulocytes and MonocytesSteven M. Holland, John I. Gallin
61 Bleeding and ThrombosisBarbara A. Konkle
62 Enlargement of Lymph Nodes and SpleenDan L. Longo

Part 3: Pharmacology

63 Principles of Clinical PharmacologyDan M. Roden
64 PharmacogenomicsDan M. Roden

Part 4: Oncology and Hematology

Section 1: Neoplastic Disorders

65 Approach to the Patient with CancerDan L. Longo
66 Prevention and Early Detection of CancerJennifer M. Croswell, Otis W. Brawley, Barnett S. Kramer
67 Cancer GeneticsFred Bunz, Bert Vogelstein
68 Cancer Cell BiologyJeffrey W. Clark, Dan L. Longo
69 Principles of Cancer TreatmentEdward A. Sausville, Dan L. Longo
70 Infections in Patients with CancerRobert W. Finberg
71 Oncologic EmergenciesRasim Gucalp, Janice P. Dutcher
72 Cancer of the SkinBrendan D. Curti, Sancy Leachman, Walter J. Urba
73 Head and Neck CancerEverett E. Vokes
74 Neoplasms of the LungLeora Horn, Christine M. Lovly
75 Breast CancerDaniel F. Hayes, Marc E. Lippman
76 Upper Gastrointestinal Tract CancersRobert J. Mayer
77 Lower Gastrointestinal CancersRobert J. Mayer
78 Tumors of the Liver and Biliary TreeJosep M. Llovet
79 Pancreatic CancerDaniel D. Von Hoff
80 Neuroendocrine Tumors of the Gastrointestinal Tract and PancreasRobert T. Jensen
81 Renal Cell CarcinomaRobert J. Motzer
82 Cancer of the Bladder and Urinary TractNoah M. Hahn
83 Benign and Malignant Diseases of the ProstateHoward I. Scher, James A. Eastham
84 Testicular CancerDavid J. Vaughn
85 Gynecologic MalignanciesDavid Spriggs
86 Primary and Metastatic Tumors of the Nervous SystemLisa M. DeAngelis, Patrick Y. Wen
87 Soft Tissue and Bone Sarcomas and Bone MetastasesShreyaskumar R. Patel
88 Carcinoma of Unknown PrimaryGauri R. Varadhachary, James L. Abbruzzese
89 Paraneoplastic Syndromes: Endocrinologic/HematologicJ. Larry Jameson, Dan L. Longo
90 Paraneoplastic Neurologic Syndromes and Autoimmune EncephalitisJosep Dalmau, Myrna R. Rosenfeld
91 Late Consequences of Cancer and Its TreatmentCarl E. Freter, Dan L. Longo

Section 2: Hematopoietic Disorders

92 Hematopoietic Stem CellsDavid T. Scadden, Dan L. Longo
93 Iron Deficiency and Other Hypoproliferative AnemiasJohn W. Adamson
94 Disorders of HemoglobinEdward J. Benz, Jr.
95 Megaloblastic AnemiasA. Victor Hoffbrand
96 Hemolytic Anemias Lucio Luzzatto
97 Anemia Due to Acute Blood LossDan L. Longo
98 Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes Including Aplastic Anemia and MyelodysplasiaNeal S. Young
99 Polycythemia Vera and Other Myeloproliferative NeoplasmsJerry L. Spivak
100 Acute Myeloid LeukemiaWilliam Blum, Clara D. Bloomfield
101 Chronic Myeloid LeukemiaHagop Kantarjian, Jorge Cortes
102 Acute Lymphoid LeukemiaDieter Hoelzer
103 Chronic Lymphocytic LeukemiaJennifer A. Woyach, John C. Byrd
104 Non-Hodgkin’s LymphomaCaron A. Jacobson, Dan L. Longo
105 Hodgkin's Lymphoma Caron A. Jacobson, Dan L. Longo
106 Less Common Hematologic MalignanciesAyalew Tefferi, Dan L. Longo
107 Plasma Cell DisordersNikhil C. Munshi, Dan L. Longo, Kenneth C. Anderson
108 AmyloidosisJohn L. Berk, Vaishali Sanchorawala
109 Transfusion Biology and TherapyJeffery S. Dzieczkowski, Pierre Tiberghien, Kenneth C. Anderson
110 Hematopoietic Cell TransplantationFrederick R. Appelbaum

Section 3: Disorders of Hemostasis

111 Disorders of Platelets and Vessel WallBarbara A. Konkle
112 Coagulation DisordersValder R. Arruda, Katherine A. High
113 Arterial and Venous ThrombosisJane E. Freedman, Joseph Loscalzo
114 Antiplatelet, Anticoagulant, and Fibrinolytic DrugsJeffrey I. Weitz

Part 5: Infectious Diseases

Section 1: Basic Considerations in Infectious Diseases

115 Approach to the Patient with an Infectious DiseaseNeeraj K. Surana, Dennis L. Kasper
116 Molecular Mechanisms of Microbial PathogenesisGerald B. Pier
117 Approach to the Acutely Ill Infected Febrile PatientTamar F. Barlam, Dennis L. Kasper
118 Immunization Principles and Vaccine UseNancy Messonnier, Anne Schuchat, Lisa A. Jackson
119 Health Recommendations for International TravelJay S. Keystone, Phyllis E. Kozarsky
120 Climate Change and Infectious DiseaseAaron S. Bernstein

Section 2: Clinical Syndromes: Community-Acquired Infections

121 PneumoniaLionel A. Mandell, Richard G. Wunderink
122 Lung AbscessRebecca M. Baron, Miriam Baron Barshak
123 Infective EndocarditisAdolf W. Karchmer
124 Infections of the Skin, Muscles, and Soft TissuesDennis L. Stevens
125 Infectious ArthritisLawrence C. Madoff
126 OsteomyelitisWerner Zimmerli
127 Intraabdominal Infections and AbscessesMiriam Baron Barshak, Dennis L. Kasper
128 Acute Infectious Diarrheal Diseases and Bacterial Food PoisoningRichelle C. Charles, Stephen B. Calderwood,
C. LaRocque
129 Clostridium difficile Infection, Including Pseudomembranous ColitisDale N. Gerding, Stuart Johnson
130 Urinary Tract Infections, Pyelonephritis, and ProstatitisKalpana Gupta, Barbara W. Trautner
131 Sexually Transmitted Infections: Overview and Clinical ApproachJeanne M. Marrazzo, King K. Holmes
132 EncephalitisKaren L. Roos, Kenneth L. Tyler
133 Acute MeningitisKaren L. Roos, Kenneth L. Tyler
134 Chronic and Recurrent MeningitisWalter J. Koroshetz, Michael R. Wilson, Avindra Nath
135 Brain Abscess and EmpyemaKaren L. Roos, Kenneth L. Tyler
136 Infectious Complications of BitesSandeep S. Jubbal, Florencia Pereyra, Lawrence C. Madoff

Section 3: Clinical Syndromes: Health Care-Associated Infections

137 Infections Acquired in Health Care FacilitiesRobert A. Weinstein
138 Infections in Transplant RecipientsRobert W. Finberg, Joyce D. Fingeroth

Section 4: Therapy for Bacterial Diseases

139 Treatment and Prophylaxis of Bacterial InfectionsDavid C. Hooper, Erica S. Shenoy, Christy A. Varughese
140 Bacterial Resistance to Antimicrobial AgentsDavid C. Hooper

Section 5: Diseases Caused by Gram-Positive Bacteria

141 Pneumococcal InfectionsDavid Goldblatt, Katherine L. O’Brien
142 Staphylococcal InfectionsFranklin D. Lowy
143 Streptococcal InfectionsMichael R. Wessels
144 Enterococcal InfectionsCesar A. Arias, Barbara E. Murray
145 Diphtheria and Other Corynebacterial InfectionsWilliam R. Bishai, John R. Murphy
146 Listeria monocytogenes InfectionsElizabeth L. Hohmann, Daniel A. Portnoy
147 TetanusC. Louise Thwaites, Lam Minh Yen
148 BotulismAgam K. Rao, Susan Maslanka
149 Gas Gangrene and Other Clostridial InfectionsAmy E. Bryant, Dennis L. Stevens

Section 6: Diseases Caused by Gram-Negative Bacteria

150 Meningococcal InfectionsAndrew J. Pollard
151 Gonococcal InfectionsSanjay Ram, Peter A. Rice
152 Haemophilus and Moraxella InfectionsTimothy F. Murphy
153 Infections Due to the HACEK Group and Miscellaneous Gram-Negative BacteriaTamar F. Barlam, Dennis L. Kasper
154 Legionella InfectionsVictor L. Yu, M. Luisa Pedro-Botet, Yusen E. Lin
155 Pertussis and Other Bordetella InfectionsKarina A. Top, Scott A. Halperin
156 Diseases Caused by Gram-Negative Enteric BacilliThomas A. Russo, James R. Johnson
157 Acinetobacter InfectionsRossana Rosa, L. Silvia Munoz-Price
158 Helicobacter pylori InfectionsJohn C. Atherton, Martin J. Blaser
159 Infections Due to Pseudomonas, Burkholderia, and Stenotrophomonas SpeciesReuben Ramphal
160 SalmonellosisDavid A. Pegues, Samuel I. Miller
161 ShigellosisPhilippe J. Sansonetti, Jean Bergounioux
162 Infections Due to Campylobacter and Related OrganismsBeth D. Kirkpatrick, Martin J. Blaser
163 Cholera and Other VibriosesMatthew K. Waldor, Edward T. Ryan
164 BrucellosisNicholas J. Beeching
165 TularemiaJeannine M. Petersen, Paul S. Mead
166 Plague and Other Yersinia InfectionsMichael B. Prentice
167 Bartonella Infections, Including Cat-Scratch DiseaseMichael Giladi, Moshe Ephros
168 DonovanosisNigel O’Farrell

Section 7: Miscellaneous Bacterial Infections

169 NocardiosisGregory A. Filice
170 Actinomycosis Thomas A. Russo
171 Whipple’s DiseaseThomas A. Russo
172 Infections Due to Mixed Anaerobic OrganismsNeeraj K. Surana, Dennis L. Kasper

Section 8: Mycobacterial Diseases

173 TuberculosisMario C. Raviglione
174 LeprosyRobert H. Gelber
175 Nontuberculous Mycobacterial InfectionsSteven M. Holland
176 Antimycobacterial AgentsDivya Reddy, Max R. O’Donnell

Section 9: Spirochetal Diseases

177 SyphilisSheila A. Lukehart
178 Endemic TreponematosesSheila A. Lukehart
179 LeptospirosisJii F. P. Wagenaar, Marga G. A. Goris
180 Relapsing FeverAlan G. Barbour
181 Lyme BorreliosisAllen C. Steere

Section 10: Diseases Caused by Rickettsiae, Mycoplasmas, and Chlamydiae

182 Rickettsial DiseasesDavid H. Walker, J. Stephen Dumler, Lucas S. Blanton, Thomas J. Marrie
183 Infections Due to MycoplasmasR. Doug Hardy
184 Chlamydial InfectionsCharlotte A. Gaydos, Thomas C. Quinn

Section 11: Viral Diseases: General Considerations

185 Medical VirologyFred Wang, Elliott Kieff
186 Antiviral Chemotherapy, Excluding Antiretroviral DrugsLindsey R. Baden

Section 12: Infections Due to DNA Viruses

187 Herpes Simplex Virus InfectionsLawrence Corey
188 Varicella-Zoster Virus InfectionsRichard J. Whitley
189 Epstein-Barr Virus Infections, Including Infectious MononucleosisJeffrey I. Cohen
190 Cytomegalovirus and Human Herpesvirus Types 6, 7, and 8Camille Nelson Kotton, Martin S. Hirsch
191 Molluscum Contagiosum, Monkeypox, and Other Poxvirus InfectionsFred Wang
192 Parvovirus InfectionsKevin E. Brown
193 Human Papillomavirus InfectionsDarron R. Brown, Aaron Ermel

Section 13: Infections Due to DNA and RNA Respiratory Viruses

194 Common Viral Respiratory Infections James E. Crowe, Jr.
195 InfluenzaPeter F. Wright

Section 14: Infections Due to Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Other Human Retroviruses

196 The Human RetrovirusesDan L. Longo, Anthony S. Fauci
197 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease: AIDS and Related DisordersAnthony S. Fauci, Gregory K. Folkers, H. Clifford

Section 15: Infections Due to RNA Viruses

198 Viral GastroenteritisUmesh D. Parashar, Roger I. Glass
199 Enterovirus, Parechovirus, and Reovirus InfectionsJeffrey I. Cohen
200 Measles (Rubeola)Kaitlin Rainwater-Lovett, William J. Moss
201 Rubella (German Measles)Laura A. Zimmerman, Susan E. Reef
202 MumpsSteven A. Rubin
203 Rabies and Other Rhabdovirus InfectionsAlan C. Jackson
204 Arthropod-Borne and Rodent-Borne Virus InfectionsJens H. Kuhn, Rémi N. Charrel
205 Ebolavirus and Marburgvirus InfectionsJens H. Kuhn

Section 16: Fungal Infections

206 Diagnosis and Treatment of Fungal InfectionsJohn E. Edwards, Jr.
207 HistoplasmosisChadi A. Hage, L. Joseph Wheat
208 CoccidioidomycosisNeil M. Ampel
209 BlastomycosisS. Travis King, Rathel L. Nolan, III
210 CryptococcosisArturo Casadevall
211 CandidiasisJohn E. Edwards, Jr.
212 AspergillosisDavid W. Denning
213 MucormycosisBrad Spellberg, Ashraf S. Ibrahim
214 Superficial Mycoses and Less Common Systemic MycosesCarol A. Kauffman
215 Pneumocystis InfectionsAlison Morris, Henry Masur

Section 17: Protozoal and Helminthic Infections: General Considerations

216 Introduction to Parasitic Infections Sharon L. Reed, Charles E. Davis
217 Agents Used to Treat Parasitic InfectionsThomas A. Moore

Section 18: Protozoal Infections

218 Amebiasis and Infection with Free-Living AmebaeRosa M. Andrade, Sharon L. Reed
219 MalariaNicholas J. White, Elizabeth A. Ashley
220 BabesiosisEdouard Vannier, Peter J. Krause
221 LeishmaniasisShyam Sundar
222 Chagas Disease and African TrypanosomiasisFrançois Chappuis, Yves Jackson
223 Toxoplasma InfectionsKami Kim
224 Protozoal Intestinal Infections and TrichomoniasisPeter F. Weller

Section 19: Helminthic Infections

225 Introduction to Helminthic InfectionsPeter F. Weller
226 Trichinellosis and Other Tissue Nematode InfectionsPeter F. Weller
227 Intestinal Nematode InfectionsPeter F. Weller, Thomas B. Nutman
228 Filarial and Related InfectionsThomas B. Nutman, Peter F. Weller
229 Schistosomiasis and Other Trematode InfectionsBirgitte Jyding Vennervald
230 Cestode InfectionsA. Clinton White, Jr., Peter F. Weller

Part 6: Disorders of the Cardiovascular System

Section 1: Introduction to Cardiovascular Disorders

231 Approach to the Patient with Possible Cardiovascular DiseaseJoseph Loscalzo
232 Basic Biology of the Cardiovascular SystemJoseph Loscalzo, Peter Libby, Calum A. MacRae
233 Epidemiology of Cardiovascular DiseaseThomas A. Gaziano, J. Michael Gaziano

Section 2: Diagnosis of Cardiovascular Disorders

234 Physical Examination of the Cardiovascular SystemPatrick T. O’Gara, Joseph Loscalzo
235 ElectrocardiographyAry L. Goldberger
236 Noninvasive Cardiac Imaging: Echocardiography, Nuclear Cardiology, and Magnetic Resonance/Computed Tomography
ImagingMarcelo F. Di Carli, Raymond Y. Kwong, Scott D. Solomon
237 Diagnostic Cardiac Catheterization and Coronary AngiographyJane A. Leopold, David P. Faxon

Section 3: Disorders of Rhythm

238 Principles of ElectrophysiologyDavid D. Spragg, Gordon F. Tomaselli
239 The Bradyarrhythmias: Disorders of the Sinoatrial NodeDavid D. Spragg, Gordon F. Tomaselli
240 The Bradyarrhythmias: Disorders of the Atrioventricular NodeDavid D. Spragg, Gordon F. Tomaselli
241 Approach to Supraventricular TachyarrhythmiasGregory F. Michaud, William G. Stevenson
242 Physiologic and Non-physiologic Sinus Tachycardia Gregory F. Michaud, William G. Stevenson
243 Focal Atrial Tachycardia Gregory F. Michaud, William G. Stevenson
244 Paroxysmal Supraventricular TachycardiasGregory F. Michaud, William G. Stevenson
245 Common Atrial Flutter, Macroreentrant and Multifocal Atrial TachycardiasGregory F. Michaud, William G. Stevenson
246 Atrial FibrillationGregory F. Michaud, William G. Stevenson
247 Approach to Ventricular Arrhythmias Roy M. John, William G. Stevenson
248 Premature Ventricular Beats, Non-sustained Ventricular Tachycardia, and Idioventricular Rhythm Roy M. John,
William G. Stevenson
249 Sustained Ventricular Tachycardia William G. Stevenson, Roy M. John
250 Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia and Ventricular FibrillationWilliam G. Stevenson, Roy M. John
251 Electrical Storm and Incessant VTWilliam G. Stevenson, Roy M. John

Section 4: Disorders of the Heart

252 Heart Failure: Pathophysiology and DiagnosisDouglas L. Mann, Murali Chakinala
253 Heart Failure: ManagementMandeep R. Mehra
254 Cardiomyopathy and MyocarditisNeal K. Lakdawala, Lynne Warner Stevenson, Joseph Loscalzo
255 Cardiac Transplantation and Prolonged Assisted Circulation Mandeep R. Mehra
256 Aortic Valve DiseasePatrick T. O’Gara, Joseph Loscalzo
257 Aortic Regurgitation Patrick T. O’Gara, Joseph Loscalzo
258 Mitral StenosisPatrick T. O’Gara, Joseph Loscalzo
259 Mitral RegurgitationPatrick T. O’Gara, Joseph Loscalzo
260 Mitral Valve ProlapsePatrick T. O’Gara, Joseph Loscalzo
261 Tricuspid Valve DiseasePatrick T. O’Gara, Joseph Loscalzo
262 Pulmonic Valve DiseasePatrick T. O’Gara, Joseph Loscalzo
263 Multiple and Mixed Valvular Heart DiseasePatrick T. O’Gara, Joseph Loscalzo
264 Congenital Heart Disease in the AdultAnne Marie Valente, Michael J. Landzberg
265 Pericardial DiseaseEugene Braunwald
266 Atrial Myxoma and Other Cardiac TumorsEric H. Awtry

Section 5: Coronary and Peripheral Vascular Disease

267 Ischemic Heart DiseaseElliott Antman, Joseph Loscalzo
268 Non-ST-Segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome (Non-ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction and Unstable
Angina)Robert P. Giugliano, Christopher P. Cannon, Eugene Braunwald
269 ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial InfarctionElliott M. Antman, Joseph Loscalzo
270 Percutaneous Coronary Interventions and Other Interventional ProceduresDavid P. Faxon, Deepak L. Bhatt
271 Hypertensive Vascular DiseaseTheodore A. Kotchen
272 Renovascular DiseaseStephen C. Textor
273 Deep Venous Thrombosis and Pulmonary ThromboembolismSamuel Z. Goldhaber
274 Diseases of the AortaMark A. Creager, Joseph Loscalzo
275 Arterial Diseases of the ExtremitiesMark A. Creager, Joseph Loscalzo
276 Chronic Venous Disease and Lymphedema Mark A. Creager, Joseph Loscalzo
277 Pulmonary HypertensionAaron B. Waxman, Joseph Loscalzo

Part 7: Disorders of the Respiratory System

Section 1: Diagnosis of Respiratory Disorders

278 Approach to the Patient with Disease of the Respiratory SystemPatricia A. Kritek, Bruce D. Levy
279 Disturbances of Respiratory FunctionEdward T. Naureckas, Julian Solway
280 Diagnostic Procedures in Respiratory DiseaseAnne L. Fuhlbrigge, Augustine M.K. Choi

Section 2: Diseases of the Respiratory System

281 AsthmaPeter J. Barnes
282 Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis and Pulmonary Infiltrates with EosinophiliaPraveen Akuthota, Michael E. Wechsler


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