진통 중 초음파학-난산과 제왈절개술의 예측 (Springer 원서 증정)

  • 저   자 :
  • 역   자 : 이유경 외 12인
  • 출판사 : 가본의학
  • ISBN(13) : 9791196093495
  • 발행일 : 2018-02  /   1판   /   256 페이지
  • 상품코드 : 26220
  • 적립금: 0
  • 진통중초음파(난산과 제왕절개술의 예측)

Springer 원서 "Intrapartum Ultrasonography for Labor Management-1판" 증정

1. 진통의 임상적 평가와 진통 중 초음파 1

2. 진통 중 초음파 준비와 이용 17

3. 3차원(3D) 초음파 사용 35

4. 진통 중 초음파와 진통의 평가 및 진행 49

5. 후위후두 방향과 진통 중 초음파 75

6. 부동고정위 : 진통 중의 임상적 그리고 분만 중 진단 91

7. 진행각도 : 산도내 태아머리 하강의 객관적 평가 109

8. 진통 중 태아머리 회전에 대한 2차원 및 3차원 초음파 진단 129

9. 출산 경과를 평가하기 위한 진통 중 경음순 초음파 139

10. 진통과 분만 중 경부길이의 유용성 151

11. 진통 중 초음파 및 임상적 위험상황 대처 171

12. 분만 진행 모니터링을 위한 새로운 기술 191

13. 산도에서의 태아의 진행 : 최신 내용 205

During intrapartum obstetric care clinicians evaluate the fetal head position manually, either by abdominal
or digital vaginal palpation. However, digital examination has been shown to be highly operator-dependent
(subjective). Intrapartum ultrasound, on the other hand, seems to be reproducible and easy to learn.
In crucial situations like obstructed labor, likely to require medical intervention, there really is a
need for ultrasound assessment of birth progress and on the busy labor ward. This is the first book devoted
entirely to intrapartum ultrasound for the management of labor. Experts in the field present their own
experiences and summarize the published state of the art. The use of intrapartum ultrasonography in
evaluation of the first and second stages of labor and diagnosis of the occiput posterior and transverse
positions is clearly documented. Each situation is analyzed with the help of informative images,
and invaluable tips and tricks are provided, showing how fetal head engagement and progression can be documented
objectively. The importance of ultrasound in obstetrics risk management is also addressed. This book explains
how intrapartum ultrasonography can be used to assess whether a safe natural delivery is likely or whether
operative procedures are required. We hope it will be valuable for all professionals, physicians and midwifes
alike, who care for labouring women.

1: Clinical Evaluation of Labor and Intrapartum Sonography

2: General Intrapartum Sonography Setup and Use in Labor

3: The Use of Two-Dimensional (2D) and Three-Dimensional (3D) Ultrasound in the First Stage of Labo

4: Intrapartum Sonography and Labor Progression

5: Occiput Posterior Position and Intrapartum Sonography

6: Asynclitism: Clinical and Intrapartum Diagnosis in Labor

7: The Angle of Progression: An Objective Assessment of Fetal Head Descent in the Birth Canal

8: Head Rotation in Labor and Intrapartum Sonography Diagnosis with 2D and 3D

9: Intrapartum Translabial Ultrasound (ITU) to Assess Birth Progress

10: Use of Cervical Length in Labor and Delivery

11: Intrapartum Sonography and Clinical Risk Management

12: New Technologies for Monitoring Labor Progress

13: Fetal Progression in Birth Canal: State of the Art



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