Color Atlas of Genetics-4판

  • 저   자 : Passarge
  • 역   자 :
  • 출판사 : Thieme
  • ISBN(13) : 9783132414402
  • 발행일 : 20171213  /   5판   /   474 페이지
  • 상품코드 : 26195
  • 적립금: 1,500

Ever since the International Human Genome Project achieved its extraordinary goal of sequencing and mapping the entire
human genome, represented by approximately 3 billion base pairs, with its far-reaching implications for understanding
the causes of human genetic disorders and their diagnosis, progress in the field has not slowed down.

In the fifth edition of the bestselling Color Atlas of Genetics, readers will be rewarded with a complete and current
overview of the field, with an emphasis on the interface between fundamental principles and practical applications in
medicine and the role of signaling pathways in causing diseases.

Using the acclaimed Flexibook format designed for easy visual learning and retention, the atlas is invaluable for
students, clinicians, and scientists interested in staying up to date in this fast-evolving area.

New fully illustrated topics in the revised fifth edition of the atlas include:
뷒n overview of disorders resulting from structural changes of the genome (genomic disorders)
뷒bnormal imprinting patterns
뷙xamples of impaired signal pathways (laminopathies, fibrillinopathies, cohesinopathies, and others)
뷪he CRISPR-Cas system
뷛enetic features of the aging processes
뷗isorders due to rearrangements of chromatin in the cell nucleus, and others

With almost 200 stunning color plates explained by concise texts on the opposite pages, including tables presenting
useful data, a glossary of terms, key references, and online resources, the atlas presents clear and accessible
concepts. It is an excellent refresher for investigators in any field of medicine or biology.

1. Prologue
2. Molecular Basis of Genetics
3. Analysis of DNA
4. Variability of DNA
5. Processing of DNA
6. Eukaryotic Cells
7. Formal Genetics
8. Chromosomes
9. Regulation of Gene Function
10. Epigenetic Modifications
11. Genetic Signal Pathways
12. Genes in Embryonic Development Genomics Genetics in Medicine
13. Genetic Classification of Diseases
14. Imbalanced Homeostasis
15. Metabolic Disorders
16. Immune System
17. Origins of Cancer
18. Impaired Cell and Tissue Structure
19. Hemoglobin Disorders
20. Sex Determination and Differentiation
21. Sensory Perception
22. Chromosomal Aberrations
23. A Brief Guide to Genetic Diagnosis
24. Morbid Anatomy of the Human Genome
25. Chromosomal Locations-Alphabetical List Appendix-Supplementary Data Glossary


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