Gray's Anatomy for Students 3/e(IE)

  • 저   자 : Drake
  • 역   자 :
  • 출판사 : Churchill-Livingstone
  • ISBN(13) : 9780702051326
  • 발행일 : 20140414  /   3판   /   1136 페이지
  • 상품코드 : 25019
  • 적립금: 1,710

Gray's Anatomy for Students,3/e(IE)

Stay current and engaged in your anatomy courses with many new "In the Clinic" boxes, which offer access to in-depth
clinical discussions related to specific diseases or procedures.

Source your review material quickly and easily thanks to a list of additional relevant study aids at the beginning of
each chapter.

Improve your comprehension of cranial nerves with help from a brand-new visual map summarizing cranial nerve
distribution and function.

Access the entire contents online at Student Consult, where you can also take advantage of an online anatomy and
embryology self-study course, medical clinical cases, physical therapy clinical cases, self-assessment questions, and

[Key Features]

Obtain reliable, accessible coverage of everything you will learn in your contemporary anatomy classes with expert
knowledge from a team of authors who share a wealth of diverse teaching and clinical experience.

Easily locate and remember specific structures. More than 1,000 innovative, original illustrations by renowned
illustrators Richard Tibbitts and Paul Richardson capture anatomical features with unrivalled clarity.

Understand the practical applications of anatomical concepts through unique coverage of surface anatomy, correlative
diagnostic images, and clinical case studies.

Expedite the review of basic concepts from each chapter with Conceptual Overviews.

Table of Contents
What is anatomy? 4

How can gross anatomy be studied? 4

Important anatomical terms 4

Imaging 7

Diagnostic imaging techniques 7

Nuclear medicine imaging 10

Image interpretation 11

Plain radiography 12

Computed tomography 12

Magnetic resonance imaging 13

Nuclear medicine imaging 13

Safety in imaging 13

Body systems 14

Skeletal system 14

Cartilage 14

Bone 15

Joints 20

Skin and fascias 26

Skin 26

Fascia 26

Muscular system 27

Cardiovascular system 29

Lymphatic system 31

Lymphatic vessels 31

Lymph nodes 32

Lymphatic trunks and ducts 32

Nervous system 34

Central nervous system 34

Functional subdivisions of the CNS 34

Somatic part of the nervous system 35

Visceral part of the nervous system 41

Other systems 52

Clinical cases 53

2 Back

Conceptual overview 56

General description 56

Functions 57

Support 57

Movement 57

Protection of the nervous system 58

Component parts 58

Bones 58

Muscles 60

Vertebral canal 62

Spinal nerves 63

Relationship to other regions 64

Head 64

Thorax, abdomen, and pelvis 65

Limbs 65

Key features 65

Long vertebral column and short spinal cord 65

Intervertebral foramina and spinal nerves 66

Innervation of the back 66

Regional anatomy 67

Skeletal framework 67

Vertebrae 67

Intervertebral foramina 75

Posterior spaces between vertebral arches 75

Joints 79

Joints between vertebrae in the back 79

Ligaments 82

Anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments 82

Ligamenta flava 82

Supraspinous ligament and ligamentum

nuchae 83

Interspinous ligaments 84

Back musculature 86

Superficial group of back muscles 86

Intermediate group of back muscles 92

Deep group of back muscles 93

Suboccipital muscles 99

Spinal cord 101

Vasculature 102

Meninges 104

Arrangement of structures in the vertebral

canal 106

Spinal nerves 107

Surface anatomy 112

Back surface anatomy 112

Absence of lateral curvatures 112

Primary and secondary curvatures in the sagittal

plane 112

Useful nonvertebral skeletal landmarks 112

How to identify specific vertebral spinous

processes 114

Visualizing the inferior ends of the spinal cord and

subarachnoid space 115

Identifying major muscles 116

Clinical cases 118

3 Thorax

Conceptual overview 124

General description 124

Functions 125

Breathing 125

Protection of vital organs 125

Conduit 125

Component parts 125

Thoracic wall 125

Superior thoracic aperture 126

Inferior thoracic aperture 126

Diaphragm 127

Mediastinum 128

Pleural cavities 128

Relationship to other regions 129

Neck 129

Upper limb 130

Abdomen 130

Breast 130

Key features 130

Vertebral level TIV/V 130

Venous shunts from left to right 132

Segmental neurovascular supply of thoracic

wall 132

Sympathetic system 134

Flexible wall and inferior thoracic aperture 134

Innervation of the diaphragm 134

Regional anatomy 137

Pectoral region 137

Breast 137

Muscles of the pectoral region 139

Thoracic wall 141

Skeletal framework 141

Intercostal spaces 147

Diaphragm 156

Venous drainage 158

Innervation 158

Movements of the thoracic wall and diaphragm

during breathing 158

Pleural cavities 159

Pleura 159

Lungs 163

Mediastinum 176

Middle mediastinum 177

Superior mediastinum 204

Posterior mediastinum 215

Anterior mediastinum 223

Surface anatomy 224

Thorax surface anatomy 224

How to count ribs 224

Surface anatomy of the breast in women 225

Visualizing structures at the TIV/V vertebral

level 226

Visualizing structures in the superior

mediastinum 227

Visualizing the margins of the heart 227

Where to listen for heart sounds 228

Visualizing the pleural cavities and lungs, pleural

recesses, and lung lobes and fissures 228

Where to listen for lung sounds 229

Clinical cases 233

44 Abdomen

Conceptual overview 246

General description 246

Functions 247

Houses and protects major viscera 247

Breathing 249

Changes in intra-abdominal pressure 249

Component parts 250

Wall 250

Abdominal cavity 251

Inferior thoracic aperture 253

Diaphragm 253

Pelvic inlet 254

Relationship to other regions 254

Thorax 254

Pelvis 254

Lower limb 255

Key features 256

Arrangement of abdominal viscera in the

adult 256

Skin and muscles of the anterior and lateral

abdominal wall and thoracic intercostal

nerves 259

The groin is a weak area in the anterior abdominal

wall 260

Verterbral Level L1 262

The gastrointestinal system and its derivatives are

supplied by three major arteries 262

Venous shunts from left to right 264

All venous drainage from the gastrointestinal

system passes through the liver 265

Abdominal viscera are supplied by a large

prevertebral plexus 266

Regional anatomy 268

Surface topography 268

Four-quadrant pattern 268

Nine-region pattern 269

Abdominal wall 270

Superficial fascia 270

Anterolateral muscles 272

Extraperitoneal fascia 278

Peritoneum 279

Innervation 279

Arterial supply and venous drainage 280

Lymphatic drainage 282

Groin 282

Inguinal canal 284

Inguinal hernias 288

Abdominal viscera 292

Peritoneum 292

Peritoneal cavity 293

Organs 297

Arterial supply 327

Venous drainage 337



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