미용피부성형시술의 외래진료지침서

  • 저   자 : 김형문
  • 역   자 :
  • 출판사 : 가본의학
  • ISBN(13) : 9788997736126
  • 발행일 : 2013-06-01  /   1판   /   620 페이지
  • 상품코드 : 24098
  • 적립금: 0
  • 반점,흉터,손톱,발톱,필링


Chapter 3: Anesthesia
Anesthesia For Shave Biopsy
Anesthesia For Punch Biopsy
Anesthesia For Elliptical Excision
Digital Block
Cyst Excision Behind Ear With Ring Block
Epidermal Cyst Excision From Back With Ring Block

Chapter 4: Hemostatis
Hemostasis With Aluminum Chloride After Shave Biopsy
Electrosurgical Hemostasis After Removing An Ellipse
Using Electrosurgery In An Undermined Area
Hemostasis With Forceps And Electrosurgery
Figure Of Eight Suture For Hemostasis

Chapter 6: Suturing Techniques
Loading The Needle Holder
Instrument Tie
Simple Interrupted Suture
Simple Running Suture On Face
Simple Running Suture On Arm
Deep Vertical Mattress Suture With Skin Hook
Deep Vertical Mattress Suture With Skin Hook After Rotation Flap
Deep Vertical Mattress Suture With Forceps
Deep Horizontal Mattress Suture

Chapter 9: The Shave Biopsy
Shave Of Benign Nevus On Face With DermaBlade
Shave Of Benign Nevus On Neck With DermaBlade
Shave Of Scalp Nevus With DermaBlade
Shave Excision Of Keloid From Earlobe With DermaBlade
Shave Biopsy Of Small BCC With DermaBlade
Shave Of Nevus With #15 Blade
Shave Biopsy On Neck Of Suspicious Lesion With DermaBlade
Shave a Benign Nevus With DermaBlade And Electrosurgery of
Remaining Edge
Snip Excision Of Two Skin Tags With Anesthesia
Snip Excision Of One Skin Tag Without Anesthesia

Chapter 10: The Punch Biopsy
Punch Biopsy Of Suspected Melanoma—Not Sutured
Punch Biopsy Of Pityriasis Rosea With One Suture
Punch Biopsy Of Palmar Psoriasis With Two Sutures Placed

Chapter 11: The Elliptical Excision
Elliptical Excision Of Chondrodermatitis
Elliptical Excision Of SCC on Thigh
Elliptical Excision Of BCC On Arm
Elliptical Excision Of SCC on Face
Repair Of Standing Cone (Dog Ear)

Chapter 12: Cysts and Lipomas
Epidermal Cyst Excision From Back With Ring Block
Cyst Excision Behind Ear With Ring Block
Lipoma Excision—Full Procedure
Lipoma Expressed Manually

Chapter 13: Flaps
Mohs Surgery And Repair Of SCC On Neck
Primary Repair After Mohs Surgery Of BCC On Face
Wedge Excision On The Ear After Mohs Surgery
Rotation Flap On Cheek After Mohs Surgery

Chapter 14: Electrosurgery
Electrosurgery Of Cherry Angioma
Electrosurgery Loop Shave Of Nevus With Feathering
Electrodessication And Curettage Of SCC In Situ On
Dorsum Of Hand
Removal Of Ingrown Toenail With Digital Block And
Electrosurgery With Sharp Tip Electrode (Banana Model)
Electrofulguration And Electrodessication With Blunt Tip
Electrode (Banana Model)
Bipolar Electrode (Banana Model)
Comparison Of Electrosurgery Methods (Banana Model)

Chapter 15: Cryosurgery
Cryo-Tweezer Of Warts On Face
Cryo-Spray Of Seborrheic Keratosis On Face—Long Bent Spray Tip
Pulsatile Spray Of Seborrheic Keratosis On Neck—Aperture C Tip
Cryosurgery Of Flat Warts
Cryo-Tracker Of Seborrheic Keratosis
Cryo-Spray With Long Bent Spray Tip Of Actinic Keratosis
Cryoprobe Of Actinic Keratosis
Cryo-Spray Of Actinic Keratosis With Aperture C Tip
Keloid Treated With Cryo-Spray Then Intralesional Injection
Cryo-Spray With Straight Short-Tip (Banana Model)
Cryo-Spray With Aperture C Tip (Banana Model)
Cryo-Spray With Short Bent Spray Tip (Banana Model)
Cryo-Spray With Long Bent Spray Tip (Banana Model)
Cryo-Spray With Acne Tip (Banana Model)
Small Closed Probe With Liquid Nitrogen (Banana Model)
Large Closed Probe With Liquid Nitrogen (Banana Model)
Comparison Of Cryosurgery Methods (Banana Model)
Liquid Nitrogen Removed From Dewar Using Withdrawal Tube

Chapter 16: Intralesional Injections
Keloid Treated With Cryo-Spray Then Intralesional Injection

Chapter 18: Nail Procedures
Removal Of Ingrown Toenail With Digital Block And
Toenail Matrix Ablation With Phenol And Electrosurgery

Chapter 21: Botulinum Toxin
Botox Frown
Botox Horizontal Forehead Lines
Botox Crow’s Feet

Chapter 25: Dermal Fillers
Dermal Filler Nasolabial Fold

Chapter 33: Procedures to Treat Benign Tumors
Milia Extraction
Electrosurgery Of Cherry Angioma
Shave Of Benign Nevus On Face With DermaBlade
Shave Of Benign Nevus On Neck With DermaBlade
Shave Of Scalp Nevus With DermaBlade
Shave Excision Of Keloid From Earlobe With DermaBlade
Shave Biopsy On Neck Of Suspicious Lesion With
Shave Of Nevus With #15 Blade
Snip Excision Of Two Skin Tags With Anesthesia
Snip Excision Of One Skin Tag Without Anesthesia
Elliptical Excision Of Chondrodermatitis
Cryo-Spray Of Seborrheic Keratosis On Face—Long Bent Spray Tip
Pulsatile Spray Of eborrheic
Keratosis On Neck—Aperture C Tip
Electrosurgery Loop Shave Of Nevus With Feathering
Cryo-Tracker Of Seborrheic Keratosis
Cryosurgery Of Flat Warts
Cryo-Tweezer Of Warts On Face

Chapter 34: Diagnosis and Treatment of Malignant Lesions
Cryo-Spray With Long Bent Spray Tip Of Actinic Keratosis (see

Chapter 15 for this listing as well
Cryoprobe Of Actinic Keratosis
Cryo-Spray Of Actinic Keratosis With Aperture C Tip
Shave Biopsy Of Small BCC With DermaBlade
Elliptical Excision Of SCC on Thigh
Elliptical Excision Of BCC On Arm
Punch Biopsy Of Suspected Melanoma—Not Sutured
Elliptical Excision Of SCC on Face
Mohs Surgery And Repair Of SCC On Neck
Primary Repair After Mohs Surgery Of BCC On Face
Wedge Excision On The Ear After Mohs Surgery Of SCC
Rotation Flap On Cheek After Mohs Surgery Of BCC
Electrodessication And Curettage Of SCC In Situ On Dorsum OfHand

Chapter 37: When to Refer/Mohs Surgery
Mohs Surgery And Repair Of SCC On Neck
Primary Repair After Mohs Surgery Of BCC On Face
Wedge Excision On The Ear After Mohs Surgery Of SCC
Rotation Flap On Cheek After Mohs Surgery Of BCC

도서 목차

SECTION ONE 시작하기 Getting Started 1
1 수술전 준비 Preoperative Preparation 2
Richard P. Usatine, MD / Jennifer Krejci-Manwaring, MD
2 진료실 설치 : 시설, 장치, 도구 Setting Up Your Office: Facilities, Instruments, and Equipment 11
Richard P. Usatine, MD
3 마취 Anesthesia 24
Richard P. Usatine, MD
4 지혈 Hemostasis 36
Richard P. Usatine, MD
5 봉합재료 Suture Material 44
Bret R. Baack, MD / Daniel L. Stulberg, MD / Richard P. Usatine, MD
6 봉합술 Suturing Techniques 54
Daniel L. Stulberg, MD / Richard P. Usatine, MD

SECTION TWO 기본 기술 Basic Procedures 69
7 열상 치료 Laceration Repair 70
Richard P. Usatine, MD / Wendy C. Coates, MD
8 생검 유형 선택 Choosing the Biopsy Type 83
John L. Pfenninger, MD / Richard P. Usatine, MD
9 표층생검 The Shave Biopsy 101
Richard P. Usatine, MD
10 펀치생검 The Punch Biopsy 115
Richard P. Usatine, MD
11 타원형절제 The Elliptical Excision 130
Daniel L. Stulberg, MD / Nikki Kattalanos, PAC / Richard P. Usatine, MD
12 낭종과 지방종 Cysts and Lipomas 154
Jonathan Karnes, MD / John L. Pfenninger, MD / Richard P. Usatine, MD
13 피판 Flaps 169
Ryan O’Quinn, MD / Richard P. Usatine, MD
14 전기수술 Electrosurgery 181
Richard P. Usatine, MD / John L. Pfenninger, MD
15 냉동수술 Cryosurgery 211
Richard P. Usatine, MD / Daniel L. Stulberg, MD
16 병병내 주사 Intralesional Injections 231
Richard P. Usatine, MD / John L. Pfenninger, MD
17 절개와 배농 Incision and Drainage 244
Daniel L. Stulberg, MD / Patrick Moran, DO
18 손발톱시술 Nail Procedures 260
Richard P. Usatine, MD

SECTION THREE 미용적 시술 Cosmetic Procedures 269
19 미적인 원칙과 논의 Aesthetic Principles and Consultation 270
Rebecca Small, MD
20 성형시술을 위한 마취 Anesthesia for Cosmetic Procedures 282
Rebecca Small, MD
21 Botulinum Toxin 292
Rebecca Small, MD
22 화학적 박피술 Chemical Peels 306
Rebecca Small, MD / Kathleen O’Hanlon, MD
23 미세연마술 Microdermabrasion 323
Rebecca Small, MD / Racquel Quema, MD
24 피부관리 제품 Skin Care Products 339
Rebecca Small, MD / Barbara Green, RPH, MS
25 진피 필러 Dermal Fillers 355
Rebecca Small, MD
26 레이저를 이용한 제모 Hair Reduction with Lasers 370
Rebecca Small, MD / Jimmy Chen, MD
27 레이저를 이용한 광동안시술 Photorejuvenation with Lasers 387
Rebecca Small, MD / Dalano Hoang, DC
28 비절제적 레이저를 이용한 주름 제거술 Wrinkle Reduction with Nonablative Lasers 406
Rebecca Small, MD
29 절제적 레이저를 이용한 피부 표면 재생 Skin Resurfacing with Ablative Lasers 424
Ken Yu, MD / Rebecca Small, MD / Corey Maas, MD
30 레이저를 이용한 문신 제거 Tattoo Removal with Lasers 446
William Kirby, DO, FAOCD / Francisca Kartono, DO / Rebecca Small, MD
31 혼합적 미용치료 Combination Cosmetic Treatments 459
Rebecca Small, MD / Dalano Hoang, DC
SECTION FOUR 종합하기 Putting it All Together 467
32 피부확대경 Dermoscopy 468
Ashfaq Marghoob, MD / Richard P. Usatine, MD
33 양성 질환을 치료하기 위한 과정들 Procedures to Treat Benign Conditions 490
Daniel L. Stulberg, MD / Robert Fawcett, MD / Rebecca Small, MD / Richard P. Usatine, MD
34 악성과 전암성 병변에 대한 진단과 치료 Diagnosis and Treatment of Malignant and Premalignant Lesions 518
Daniel L. Stulberg, MD / Richard P. Usatine, MD
35 창상 관리 Wound Care 533
Lucia Diaz, MD / Richard P. Usatine, MD
36 합병증: 시술 후 부작용과 예방 Complication: Postprocedural Adverse Effects and Their Prevention 540
Richard P. Usatine, MD
37 언제 의뢰/Mohs 수술을 할 것인가 When to Refer/Mohs Surgery 552
John L. Pfenninger, MD / Richard P. Usatine, MD
38 경제적으로 생존하기 Surviving Financially 560
John L. Pfenninger, MD / Rebecca Small, MD
Appendices 581
Appendix A. Consent Forms and Patient Education Handouts 583
Appendix B. Supply Sources for Lasers 606
Appendix C. Procedures to Consider for Benign, Premalignant and Malignant Conditions 609
Appendix D. CPT Codes for Dermatology Procedures 611

찾아보기 Index 614


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