Dr. Kang IPL Clinic-2판 (영문판)

  • 저   자 : 9788994993461
  • 역   자 :
  • 출판사 : 한미의학
  • ISBN(13) : 9788994993461
  • 발행일 : 2013-02-28  /   2판   /   240 페이지
  • 상품코드 : 23973
  • 적립금: 1,900
  • 영문판 입니다.

The 2nd Edition

Taking clinical photographs by myself for the first time made me dearly miss my colleagues who are now professors
and/or presidents at various medical clinics. Photographs are important and all the more useful as they can be
archived. Upon celebrating the third anniversary of my medical clinic in Dogok-dong, I could not help but feel that I
was starting the next chapter of my new life. In retrospect, I have worked with Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) skin
rejuvenation over the past 3 years. Over time, lasers have become auxiliary treatment measures and IPL has become the
primary choice for facial cosmetic/pigmentary treatments; at least this was the case for my private practice in Seoul.
With the release of this book, I feel that my treatment records are finally organized and that my documents are
consolidated as my own lasting memories.
IPL treatments tend to work well for those with pale skin complexions i.e. Caucasians. Treatments applied on Korean
complexions, however, tend to display a wide range of side effects but the end results are much more effective. In
general, darker skin applications yield more visible outcomes and noticeable brightening. Side effects are the only
caveat꿺o how can they be avoided? I still vividly remember what my driving instructor said when I began taking
lessons behind the wheel: 밃 good driver is not one who drives fast but one who knows when to stop.?
Similarly, it is important to use discretion when using IPL, as treatments in excess can produce undesirable outcomes.
This book discusses how side effects are generated and cause certain results, and how to handle them. The purpose of
this book is to visually present this material so that the reader can obtain information on side effects without
actually experiencing them. IPL has been around for more than 15 years and is a helpful tool that will be used more in
the future. It delivers visible and immediate results for greater satisfaction. It is sure to become an essential
device for most private practitioners as much as CO2 laser devices.
I would like to thank President Kwang Jae Lee and his staff at Hanmi Medical Publishers. Without his effort and
dedication, the second edition of this book would not have been the same. I would also like to thank my wife who
teaches me the value of family everyday. I am also grateful for my patients; they are precious to me as they allow me
to realize the meaning of my existence as a dermatologist. Professor Sungnack Lee taught me the value of knowledge for
which I am thankful. Finally, a mention of gratitude to Ms. Bo Kyung Shin for helping me by my side for the past 3
This book contains my knowledge and experiences related to the side effects of IPL, the enjoyment of successful
results, and contemplation of IPL principles.


Part I: IPL and Dermatological Treatments

Chapter 1. Overview 11
?Is IPL the same as laser ? 13
?IPL Treatment 16
?IPL and Acne 21
?Can I go to work after IPL? 23
?How many Joules should IPL be set at?
Answers vary for different facial regions 26
?Actual Results of IPL Machines by Manufacturer 30
?Immediate Response to IPL 34
?Order of IPL Treatment 37
?Bar Shaped Imprints are Unsafe 38
븪Safe?Erythema 39
?High Intensity Treatment for Strong Skin Yielded Desirable Redness 40
?White Skin (Up to 33J: Endurable) 42
?No Recurrence after 1 Year 44
?Results Vary by Person, Area, and Presence of Pigmented Lesions 46
?Hidden Danger: Invisible Melasma(Low dose of 560, 18J) 48
?Consumables for IPL Treatment 50
?Consumables for IPL Treatment 51
?Imaging Devices 52
?Terminology 53

Chapter 2. Freckles and Age spots Treatments 55
?Freckles and Age spots Treatment 57

Chapter 3. Treatment of Melasma 61
뷢elasma treatment is possible with IPL? 63
뷢elasma treatment: Difficult circumstances to apply IPL 65
뷝istological Characteristics of Melasma 67
뷡atest Trends in Melasma Treatment 68
뷢elasma Patient Education Materials 69
뷢elasma: Cause and Treatment 71
뷢elasma Treatment: Tretinoin 72
뷢elasma Treatment: Prescription, Laser 74
뷚acial Pigmentary Disorders Different from Melasma 75
뷧esources Related to Melasma 77

Chapter 4. Laser Treatment 81
뷣evus of Ota, ABNOM 83

Part II: Case Studies

Chapter 5. IPL Clinical Treatment 89
A. 560, Good Effect 91
B. 560, Fair Effect 114
C. 560, Dose Response 126
D. 560, Side Effect 148
E. 560, 590, Melasma Cases 170
F. 590, Good Effect 190
G. 590, Fair Effect 194
H. 590, Dose Responses 198
I. 590, Side Effect 212

Chapter 6. Laser Clinical Treatment 223
뷦-laser: Melasma + ABNOM 226
뷦-laser: ABNOM 228
뷒BNOM (acquired) vs. dark circles 230
뷥ost-laser course : Ota's nevus (congenital) 231
뷦-laser, Selective Photothermolysis: Treatment of Ota's nevus 232
뷗iagnosis is important: Nevus of Ota, ABNOM, Cafe-au-lait Macule 234
뷦-laser: Senile lentigines (solar lentigines)밨ecurred?after 6 years 235
뷨yringoma: Various cases 236
뷧emoving pigmented nevus without scars 237
뷪attoo removal: Q-alex, sometimes difficult 238
뷪attoo removal: Painful, swelling. Requires explanation before treatment. 239

Epilogue 240


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