Textbook of Assisted Reproductive Techniques 2Vols-4판

  • 저   자 : Gardner
  • 역   자 :
  • 출판사 : CRC Press
  • ISBN(13) : 9781841849744
  • 발행일 : 2012-06-27  /   4판   /   992 페이지
  • 상품코드 : 23483
  • 적립금: 8,000

Textbook of Assisted Reproductive Techniques has become a classic comprehensive reference for the whole team at the IVF
clinic. Extensively revised, the fourth edition is presented more conveniently as a set of two separate volumes뾬ne for
laboratory aspects and the other for clinical applications.

Laboratory Perspectives explores important new techniques such as PICSI, IMSI, and time-lapse imaging.

Clinical Perspectives includes new chapters on lifestyle factors, tailored ovarian stimulation, frozen-thawed embryo
transfer, viral disease, and religious issues.

In each volume, methods, protocols, and techniques of choice are presented by eminent international experts.

Table of Contents
Establishing and Maintaining an IVF Laboratory
Setting up an ART laboratory; Jacques Cohen, Mina Alikani, Antonia Gilligan, and Tim Schimmel
Quality control: Maintaining stability in the laboratory; David H. McCulloh
The ART laboratory: Current standards; Cecilia Sj?lom
Gamete Collection, Preparation and Selection
Evaluation of sperm; Kaylen M. Silverberg and Tom Turner
Sperm preparation techniques; Harold Bourne, Janell Archer, David H. Edgar, and H. W. Gordon Baker
Sperm chromatin assessment; Ashok Agarwal, Igor Tsarev, Juris Erenpreiss, and Rakesh Sharma
Oocyte retrieval and selection; Laura F. Rienzi and Filippo M. Ubaldi
Preparation and evaluation of oocytes for ICSI; Irit Granot and Nava Dekel
Hyaluronic acid binding-mediated sperm selection for ICSI; Gabor Huszar
Intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection; Monica Antinori
Use of in vitro maturation in a clinical setting: Patient populations and outcomes; Yoshiharu Morimoto, Aisaku Fukuda,
and Manabu Satoh
Micromanipulation; Frank L. Barnes
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection: Technical aspects; Queenie V. Neri, Devin Monahan, Zev Rosenwaks, and Gianpiero D.
Assisted hatching; Anna Veiga and Itziar Belil
Human embryo biopsy procedures; Alan R. Thornhill, Christian Ottolini, and Alan H. Handyside
Culture, Selection and Transfer of the Human Embryo
Analysis of fertilization; Thomas Ebner
Culture systems for the human embryo; David K. Gardner and Michelle Lane
Evaluation of embryo quality: Analysis of morphology and quantification of nutrient utilization and the metabolome;
Denny Sakkas and David K. Gardner
Evaluation of embryo quality: Time-lapse imaging to assess embryo morphokinesis; Natalia Basile, Juan Garc?-Velasco,
and Marcos Meseguer
Evaluation of embryo quality: Proteomic strategies; Mandy Katz-Jaffe
The human oocyte: Controlled rate cooling; Andrea Borini and Veronica Bianchi
The human oocyte: Vitrification; Masashige Kuwayama
The human embryo: Slow freezing; Nikica Zaninovic, Richard Bodine, Robert N. Clarke, Sam Jones, Ye Zhen, and Lucinda L.
Veeck Gosden
The human embryo: Vitrification; Zsolt Peter Nagy, Ching-Chien Chang, and G?or Vajta
Diagnosis of Genetic Disease in Preimplantation Embryos
Severe male factor: Genetic consequences and recommendations for genetic testing; Willy Lissens and Katrien Stouffs;
Polar body biopsy and its clinical application; Markus Montag
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis for infertility; Dagan Wells and Elpida Fragouli
Genetic analysis of the embryo; Yuval Yaron, Veronica Gold, Sagit Peleg-Schalka, and Mira Malcov
The analysis of endometrial receptivity; Tamara Garrido-Gomez, Francisco Dom?guez, Maria Ruiz, Felip Vilella, and
Carlos Simon
Future Directions and Clinical Applications
Human embryonic stem cells; Rachel Eiges, Michal Avitzour, and Benjamin Reubinoff
Microfluidics in ART: Current progress and future directions; Jason E. Swain, Thomas B. Pool, Shuichi Takayama, and
Gary D. Smith
Quality Management Systems
Quality management in reproductive medicine; Christoph Keck, Cecilia Sj?lom, Robert Fischer, Vera Baukloh, and Michael
Patient Investigation and the Use of Drugs
Lifestyle, periconception, and fertility; Robert J. Norman, Lisa J. Moran, and Sarah A. Robertson
Indications for IVF treatment: From diagnosis to prognosis; Ido Ben-Ami, Arie Raziel, Shevach Friedler, Yariv Gidoni,
Raphael Ron-El, and Bart C. J. M. Fauser
Initial investigation of the infertile couple; Isabelle Roux, Togas Tulandi, Peter Chan, and Hananel Holzer
Prognostic testing for ovarian reserve; Frank J. Broekmans, Simone L. Broer, Bart C. J. M. Fauser, and Nick S. Macklon
Drugs used for ovarian stimulation: Clomiphene citrate, aromatase inhibitors, metformin, gonadotropins, gonadotropin-
releasing hormone analogs, and recombinant gonadotropins; Zeev Shoham and Colin M. Howles
The role of FSH and LH in ovulation induction: Current concepts;
Juan Balasch
Stimulation Protocols
Endocrine characteristics of ART cycles; Jean-No? Hugues and Isabelle C?rin-Durnerin
The use of GnRH agonists; Roel Schats and Judith A. F. Huirne
GnRH-antagonists in ovarian stimulation for IVF; Efstratios M. Kolibianakis, Georg Griesinger, and Basil C. Tarlatzis
The use of AMH to tailor ovarian stimulation for IVF; Scott M. Nelson
Monitoring ovarian response in IVF cycles; Matts Wikland and Torbj?n Hillensj?
Oocyte collection; Gab Kovacs
Luteal support in ART; Dominique de Ziegler, Isabelle Streuli, Vanessa Gayet, Usama Bajouh, Juliane Berdah,
and Charles Chapron
Treatment strategies in assisted reproduction for the poor responder patient; Ariel Weissman and Colin M. Howles
Repeated implantation failure; Mark A. Damario and Zev Rosenwaks
Technical Procedures and Outcomes
Ultrasonography in assisted reproduction; Ilan Tur-Kaspa and Laurel Stadtmauer
Sperm recovery techniques: Clinical aspects; Herman Tournaye and Patricio Donoso
Processing and cryopreservation of testicular sperm; Kathleen Hwang, Joseph P. Alukal, Dolores J. Lamb, and Larry I.
Embryo transfer technique; Ragaa Mansour
Cycle regimes for frozen뻯hawed embryo transfer; Ingrid Granne and Tim Child
Anesthesia and in vitro fertilization; Shmuel Evron and Tiberiu Ezri
Medical considerations of single embryo transfer; Outi Hovatta
Special Medical Conditions
Endometriosis and ART; Marli Amin, Andy Huang, and Alan H. DeCherney
PCOS and assisted reproduction; Susie Nicholas, Christopher Brewer, Thomas H. Tang, and Adam H. Balen
Management of hydrosalpinx; Annika Strandell
Fertility preservation strategies; Stine Gry Kristensen, Tine Greve, and Claus Yding Andersen
Viral disease and Assisted Reproductive Techniques; Carole Gilling-Smith
Complications of Treatment
Severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome; Zalman Levine, Inna Berin, and Daniel Navot
The environment and reproduction; Machelle M. Seibel
Bleeding, severe pelvic infection, and ectopic pregnancy; Raoul Orvieto and Zion Ben-Rafael
Iatrogenic multiple pregnancies: The risk of ART; Isaac Blickstein
Egg Donation and Surrogate Motherhood
Egg and embryo donation; Mark V. Sauer and Matthew A. Cohen
Gestational surrogacy; Peter R. Brinsden
The Support Team
The evolving role of the ART nurse: A contemporary review; Joanne L. Libraro
Patient support in the ART program; Sharon N. Covington
The relationship between stress and in vitro fertilization outcome; Andrea Mechanick Braverman
Ethics, Religion and Legislation
The impact of legislation and socioeconomic factors in the access to and global practice of assisted reproduction;
Fernando Zegers-Hochschild, Karl G. Nygren, and Osamu Ishihara
Religious perspectives in human reproduction; Raphael Ron-El and Botros Rizk


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