
  • 저   자 : 원철 옮김
  • 역   자 :
  • 출판사 : 대성의학사
  • ISBN(13) : 9788988895955
  • 발행일 : 2011  /   1판   /   277 페이지
  • 상품코드 : 22864
  • 적립금: 1,620

여성의 성통증 진단과 치료에 중점을 둔 최초의 책
Female Sexual Pain Disorders는임상적및과학적지식을접목한놀라운책이다.

- 성통증의원인을평가하고식별한다.
- 성통증의다양한형태를구별한다.
- 다각적치료를수행한다.

Female Sexual Pain Disorders는임상적, 치료적, 과학적연구를통해세계적인전문가들의경험을분석함으로써
알고리듬과진단기준을제공하며, 이질환으로고통받는전세계수백만명의여성들을치료하는데훌륭한동반자가될것이다.

저자 소개
원 철
산부인과 전문의,의학박사
저서: 여성회음성형학(가본의학서적,2007), 여성요금실매뉴얼(가본의학서적, 2007)
전: 대한여성회음성형연구회장(2007~2010)
현: 벨라쥬 여성의원 대표원장, 대한성학회 상임이사, 아시아-태평양 성학회
Asian president, International society of cosmeto-gynecolgy

Translator preface, v
Foreword, xi
Preface, xiii
Acknowledgments, xv

1 Historical Perspective of Vulvodynia, 1
Premlatha Amalraj, Sarah Kelly, Gloria A. Bachmann
2 The Prevalence of Dyspareunia, 4
Richard D. Hayes
3 The Relevance of Dyspareunia, 9
Marta Meana, Lorraine Benuto, Robyn L. Donaldson
4 Medical History, Physical Examination, and Laboratory Tests for the Evaluation
of Dyspareunia, 14
Andrew T. Goldstein
5 Psychological Evaluation and Measurement of Dyspareunia, 21
Caroline F. Pukall, Marta Meana, Katherine S. Sutton
6 Physical Therapy Evaluation of Dyspareunia, 27
Talli Y. Rosenbaum
7 The Role of Vulvoscopy in the Evaluation of Dyspareunia, 32
Mario Sideri, Filippo Murina, Vanda Bianco, Gianluigi Radici
8 Provoked Vestibulodynia, 43
Andrew T. Goldstein, Caroline F. Pukall
9 Vulvar Dermatoses as a Cause of yspareunia, 49
Lara J. Burrows, Gail R. Goldstein, Gaby Moawad, Rochele Torgerson
10 Hidradenitis Suppurativa, 57
Jennifer M. Rhode, Angela S. Kueck, Hope K. Haefner
11 Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), 66
Alison Mears, David Goldmeier
12 Generalized Vulvodynia, 76
Andrew T. Goldstein, Caroline F. Pukall
13 Physical Therapy Treatment of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction, 82
Amy Stein, Dee Hartmann
14 Interstitial Cystitis and Dyspareunia, 88
Nadya M. Cinman, Chad Huckabay, Robert M. Moldwin
15 Vulvovaginitis, 95
Jack D. Sobel
16 Noninfectious Vaginitis, 105
Ahinoam Lev-Sagie, Paul Nyirjesy
17 Pudendal Neuralgia, 112
Philip W.H. Peng, Stanley J. Antolak, Jr., Allan S. Gordon
18 Congenital Anomalies of the Female Genital Tract, 119
Lara J. Burrows
19 Endometriosis, 124
Jennifer Droz, Fred M. Howard
20 Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, 131
Nancy D. Gaba
21 Dyspareunia and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), 136
Ami D. Sperber, Douglas A. Drossman
22 Pelvic Organ Prolapse and Sexual Pain, 143
Gordon Davis, Joe Brooks
23 Cognitive-Behavioral, Physical Therapy, and Alternative Treatments for
Dyspareunia, 150
Sophie Bergeron, Tina Landry, Bianca Leclerc
24 Topical and Injectable Therapies for Vulvar Pain, 156
Colleen M. Kennedy, Catherine M. Leclair, Lori A. Boardman
25 Surgical Therapy: An Effective Treatment for Dyspareunia Caused by
Vestibulodynia, 162
Jacob Bornstein, Doron Zarfati
26 Vulvar Pain: The Neurologist's View, 169
Allan S. Gordon
27 Mast Cells and Their Role in Sexual Pain Disorders, 176
Alessandra Graziottin
28 Hormonal Factors inWomen’s Sexual Pain Disorders, 180
Irwin Goldstein
29 Lieomyomas and Adnexal Masses: Are They a Significant Cause of Dyspareunia?, 195
Denniz Zolnoun, Caitlin Shaw
30 Animal Models of Dyspareunia, 199
Melissa A. Farmer, Yitzchak M. Binik, Jeffrey S. Mogil
31 Psychological and Relational Aspects of Dyspareunia, 208
Kelly B. Smith, Caroline F. Pukall, Ste、phanie C. Boyer
32 Dyspareunia and Sexual/Physical Abuse, 213
Barbara D. Reed
33 Sexual Pain and Cancer, 218
Don Dizon, Ann Partridge, Alison Amsterdam, Michael L. Krychman
34 Postpartum Dyspareunia, 224
Colin MacNeill, Matthew F. Davies, John T. Repke
35 Vaginismus: Evaluation and Management, 229
Elke D. Reissing
36 Female Genital Cutting, 235
Crista Johnson
37 Practical Aspects of Establishing a Sexual Pain Center, 244
Susan Kellogg Spadt, Kristene E. Whitmore
38 The Power of Patient Advocacy, 250
Phyllis Mate, Christin Veasley
39 The Future of Vulvodynia Research, 255
David C. Foster

Conclusion, 261

Index, 263



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