Atlas of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2e

  • 저   자 : Doubilet
  • 역   자 :
  • 출판사 : LWW
  • ISBN(10) : 1608317781
  • ISBN(13) : 9781608317783
  • 발행일 : 2011/06  /   2판   /   512 페이지
  • 상품코드 : 22690
  • 적립금: 5,400

Now in its second edition, Atlas of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology is ideal as a visually-oriented reference
and comprehensive tutorial for expanding your knowledge of ultrasound.
Developed from one of the best and broadest sonographic collections in the field, this powerful atlas provides images
and authoritative commentary covering all aspects of obstetric and gynecologic ultrasound. The text is integrated with
over 200 video clips available online to enhance diagnostic skills and learn about ultrasound-guided procedures.
Whether you뭨e a radiologist, obstetrician, gynecologist or sonographer this exciting visual resource is a valuable
tool for achieving diagnostic accuracy for your patients.

Inside you뭠l find:
Large, clear illustrations ?more than 110 0, most new to this edition ?and informative text highlighting normal
anatomy and pathological conditions, interventional procedures, and much more.
Fully searchable website with access to the complete content of the book and integrated video clips.
Over 200 real-time clips on the companion website that add another dimension to illustrate many sonographic
Guidance from two well-known experts lets you benefit from the experience of Drs. Doubilet and Benson ?both known for
their research in obstetric and gynecologic ultrasound.

Table of Contents

I. Obstetrical Ultrasound
Normal Anatomy
Chapter 1. First Trimester
1.1. 5-6 weeks gestation
1.2. 6-10 weeks gestation
1.3. 10-13 weeks gestation
Chapter 2. Second and Third Trimester Fetal Anatomy
2.1. Central nervous system, spine, and face
2.2. Thorax and heart
2.3. Abdomen
2.4. Skeleton
Chapter 3. Second and Third Trimester Nonfetal Components
3.1. Umbilical cord
3.2. Cervix
3.3. Placenta
3.4. Amniotic fluid
Fetal Abnormalities
Chapter 4. Central Nervous System
4.1. Hydrocephalus
4.2. Aqueductal stenosis
4.3. Dandy-Walker malformation
4.4. Arachnoid cysts
4.5. Anencephaly
4.6. Encephalocele
4.7. Holoprosencephaly
4.8. Schizencephaly
4.9. Agenesis of the corpus callosum
4.10. Intracranial tumors
4.11. Vein of Galen aneurysm
4.12. Intracranial hemorrhage and porencephaly
4.13. Hydranencephaly
Chapter 5. Spine
5.1. Spina bifida and meningomyelocele
5.2. Hemivertebrae
5.3. Scoliosis
5.4. Caudal regression and sacral agenesis
5.5. Sacrococcygeal teratoma
Chapter 6. Face
6.1. Cleft lip and palate
6.2. Macroglossia
6.3. Micrognathia
6.4. Hypotelorism
6.5. Cyclopia and proboscis
6.6. Microphthalmia and anophthalmia
6.7. Cranial synostosis
Chapter 7. Thorax, Neck, and Lymphatics
7.1. Cystic adenomatoid malformation
7.2. Pulmonary sequestration
7.3. Diaphragmatic hernia
7.4. Tracheal atresia
7.5. Unilateral pulmonary agenesis
7.6. Teratomas of the neck and mediastinum
7.7. Thickened nuchal translucency (10-14 weeks gestation)
7.8. Thickened nuchal fold (16-20 weeks gestation)
7.9. Cystic hygroma and lymphangiectasia
7.10. Pleural effusion
7.11. Hydrops
Chapter 8. Heart
8.1. Overview of congenital heart disease
8.2. Hypoplastic left heart syndrome and aortic stenosis
8.3. Hypoplastic right ventricle and pulmonic stenosis
8.4. Ebstein anomaly
8.5. Ventricular septal defect
8.6. Atrioventricular canal
8.7. Tetralogy of Fallot
8.8. Transposition of the great vessels
8.9. Truncus arteriosus
8.10. Myocardial tumors
8.11. Arrhythmias
8.12. Ectopia cordis
8.13. Pericardial effusion
Chapter 9. Gastrointestinal Tract
9.1. Esophageal atresia
9.2. Duodenal atresia
9.3. Small bowel obstruction
9.4. Meconium peritonitis
9.5. Cholelithiasis
9.6. Liver masses, cysts, and calcifications
Chapter 10. Ventral Wall
10.1. Omphalocele
10.2. Gastroschisis
10.3. Amniotic band syndrome
Chapter 11. Genitourinary Tract
11.1. Unilateral and bilateral renal agenesis
11.2. Hydronephrosis
11.3. Ureteropelvic junction obstruction
11.4. Vesicoureteral reflux
11.5. Primary megaureter (ureterovesical junction "obstruction")
11.6. Posterior urethral valves and other urethral obstructions
11.7. Multicystic dysplastic kidney and renal dysplasia from obstruction
11.8. Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease
11.9. Renal ectopia
11.10. Mesoblastic nephroma
11.11. Duplicated collecting system and ectopic ureterocele
11.12. Ovarian cysts
11.13. Cloacal and bladder exstrophy
Chapter 12. Skeletal System
12.1. Skeletal dysplasias
12.2. Skeletal dysostoses
12.3. Limbs amputations
12.4. Radial ray defects
12.5. Polydactyly
12.6. Clinodactyly
12.7. Clubfoot
12.8. Rockerbottom foot
Chapter 13. Chromosomal Anomalies
13.1. Trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome)
13.2. Trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome)
13.3. Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome)
13.4. Monosomy X (Turner syndrome; 45X)
13.5. Triploidy
Nonfetal Abnormalities
Chapter 14. First Trimester Pregnancy Complications
14.1. Failed pregnancy
14.2. Subchorionic hematoma
14.3. Slow embryonic heart rate
Chapter 15. Placenta
15.1. Previa
15.2. Abruption
15.3. Accreta, increta, and percreta
15.4. Chorioangioma
Chapter 16. Uterus and Cervix
16.1. Cervical incompetence
16.2. Fibroids in pregnancy
16.3. Uterine synechia and amniotic sheet
Chapter 17. Amniotic Fluid
17.1. Oligohydramnios
17.2. Polyhydramnios
17.3. Intra-amniotic hemorrhage
Chapter 18. Umbilical Cord
18.1. Single umbilical artery
18.2. Abnormal placental cord insertions
18.3. Allantoic duct cysts
18.4. Umbilical arterial Doppler
18.5. Umbilical venous varices
Multiple Gestations
Chapter 19. Diagnosis and Characterization
19.1. Fetal number
19.2. Placentation: chorionicity and amnionicity
Chapter 20. Complications
20.1. Twin-twin transfusion syndrome
20.2. Acardiac twinning
20.3. Conjoined twins
20.4. Death of one twin in utero
Chapter 21. Diagnostic
21.1. Amniocentesis
21.2. Chorionic villus sampling
21.3. Percutaneous umbilical blood sampling
Chapter 22. Therapeutic
22.1. Fetal blood transfusion
22.2. Thoracentesis and thoracoamniotic shunting
22.3. Bladder drainage and vesicoamniotic shunting
22.4. Paracentesis
22.5. Tracheal occlusion for diaphragmatic hernia
22.6. Multifetal pregnancy reduction and selective termination
II. Gynecological Ultrasound
Normal Anatomy
Chapter 23. Uterus
23.1. Myometrium
23.2. Endometrium
Chapter 24. Adnexa
24.1. Ovaries
24.2. Extraovarian adnexal structures
Chapter 25. Myometrium
25.1. Fibroids (leiomyomas) and leiomyosarcomas
25.2. Adenomyosis
25.3. Uterine duplication anomalies
Chapter 26. Endometrium
26.1. Polyps
26.2. Hyperplasia
26.3. Carcinoma
26.4. Gestational trophoblastic disease
Chapter 27. Ovaries and Adnexa
27.1. Simple ovarian cysts
27.2. Hemorrhagic ovarian cysts
27.3. Ovarian teratomas
27.4. Ovarian benign neoplasms other than teratomas
27.5. Ovarian cancer
27.6. Endometriosis
27.7. Hydrosalpinx
27.8. Tubo-ovarian abscess
Chapter 28. Ectopic Pregnancy
28.1. Fallopian tube
28.2. Cornual (interstitial)
28.3. Cervical
28.4. Abdominal
28.5. Heterotopic
Chapter 29. Diagnostic
29.1. Saline infusion sonohysterography
Chapter 30. Therapeutic
30.1. Ovarian cyst aspiration
30.2. Ultrasound-guided uterine instrumentation through the cervix
30.3. Ectopic pregnancy ablation
30.4. Pelvic abscess drainage


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