High-Yield?Heart 1/e

  • 저   자 : Dudek
  • 역   자 :
  • 출판사 : LWW
  • ISBN(10) : 0781755689
  • ISBN(13) : 9780781755689
  • 발행일 : 2005  /   1판   /   192 페이지
  • 상품코드 : 22292
  • 적립금: 756

High-Yield?Heart is the second in a series of High-Yield?Systems books by a best-selling medical textbook author
that cover the basic sciences of the medical school curriculum using a systems-based approach. This approach helps
students integrate their first two years' course material and offers excellent preparation for USMLE Step 1 and
clinical rotations.

Chapters cover each basic science뾢mbryology, gross anatomy, radiology, histology, physiology, pathology, microbiology,
and pharmacology뾞s it relates to the heart and cardiovascular system. The book is replete with radiographs, CT and MRI
scans, and micrographs of normal tissue and pathologic conditions. Sections of the book are tabbed for easy reference.

1Embryology ..1
I. Formation of the Heart Tube . . .1
II. Primitive Heart Tube Dilatations . . .1
III. Dextral Looping . . .1
IV. Partitioning of the Heart Tube . .1
V. The Aorticopulmonary (AP) Septum . .1
VI. The Atrial Septum . .. .4
VII. The Atrioventricular Septum . .8
VIII. The Interventricular (IV) Septum . .8
IX. Cardiac Malposition . .10
X. The Conduction System of the Heart . . .10
XI. Coronary Arteries . .10
XII. Development of the Arterial System . .11
XIII. Development of the Venous System . .13
XIV. Development of the Pulmonary Veins . .15
XV. Fetal and Neonatal Circulation . .15
XVI. The Pediatric Thorax . .18
XVII. Radiographs, Echocardiograms, Angiograms, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging . .19

2Gross Anatomy . .29
The Thorax . .29
I. Bones of the Thorax . .29
II. Muscles of the Thorax . .29
III. Nerves of the Thorax ..30
IV. Arteries of the Thorax . .30
V. Veins of the Thorax . .30
VI. Clinical Considerations of the Anterior Thorax . .31
VII. Clinical Considerations of the Lateral Thorax . .33
VIII. Clinical Considerations of the Posterior Thorax . .33
IX. Mediastinum . . .33
The Heart . . .35
I. The Pericardium . . .35
II. Heart Surfaces . .. .36
III. Heart Borders . .36
IV. Fibrous Skeleton of the Heart . .. .37
V. Valves and Auscultation Sites .37
VI. Vasculature of the Heart . .39
VII. The Conduction System . ..39
VIII. Innervation of the Heart . .41
IX. Lymphatic Drainage of the Heart . .43
X. Gross Anatomy Structure Overview . . .43

3Radiology . . .. .47
I. Radiographs . . .47
II. Angiography . . .47
III. Echocardiography . .48
IV. Radiographs, Magnetic Resonance Images, Angiograms, and Echocardiograms . . .49

4Histology . . . .55
I. Heart Layers . . .55
II. Photomicrographs . .58

5Physiology . . .59
I. Contraction of Cardiac Myocytes . .59
II. Preload . . .61
III. Afterload . .61
IV. Contractility (Inotropism) and Frank-Starling Curve . .61
V. Swan-Ganz Catheter . . .63
VI. Left Ventricle Pressure-Volume Curves . . .64
VII. Cardiac Calculations . . .65
VIII. Pressures Within Heart Chambers and Great Vessels . .. .65
IX. The Cardiac Cycle . .. .65
X. Heart Sounds . .. .68
XI. Heart Murmurs . . . .68
XII. Myogenic Heartbeat . . .69
XIII. Parasympathetic (Cranial Nerve) Regulation of Heart Rate . .. .71
XIV. Sympathetic Regulation of Heart Rate . . .72
XV. Electrocardiogram . . .73
XVI. Electrocardiograms of Various Clinical Conditions . .. .75

6Pathology . . . .77
I. Atherosclerosis . . ..77
II. Ischemic Heart Disease . . .77
III. Right Ventricle Failure . .. .78
IV. Left Ventricle Failure . . .78
V. Cardiomyopathy . . .79
VI. Valvular Heart Disease .. .79
VII. Myocarditis . . .80
VIII. Pericarditis . . . .80
IX. Cardiac Tumors . . .81
X. Selected Photographs, Radiographs, and Micrographs . . .. .81

7Microbiology . . . . .87
I. Rheumatic Carditis (Rheumatic Fever) . . .87
II. Infective (Bacterial) Endocarditis . . . . .88
III. Myocarditis . .. . .90
IV. Selected Photographs, Radiographs, and Micrographs . . . . .92

8Pharmacology . . . . . . .95
I. Definitions . . .95
II. Antiarrhythmic Drugs . . . . .95
III. Congestive Heart Failure Drugs . .. . .98
IV. Antianginal Drugs . . . .101
V. Antihypertensive Drugs . . . . .102
VI. Antithrombotic Drugs . . . . .106
VII. Antihyperlipidemic Drugs . . .106
Credits . . . . .109
Index . . . . ..113


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