Developed by the American Orthopaedic Society for SportsMedicine and published by AAOS, this important new volume
brings you the most important advancements, research, and expert opinion from the past five years. Surgical chapters
review the latest details on indications, techniques, and outcomes. Nonsurgical chapters address patient care, with
pathophysiology, clinical presentation, and treatment guidelines.
Access knowledge supported by expert opinion If you evaluate and treat athletes of any level of skill or activity, you
can depend on this accessible decision-making guide. Techniques and information described in OKU Sports Medicine 4 are
reinforced by experts chosen for their knowledge and skills in each area.
Section 1: Upper Extremity
John Kuhn, MD, Editor
1. Acute Shoulder Injuries
2. Nonacute Shoulder Injuries
3. Acute Elbow Injuries
4. Nonacute Medial Elbow Injuries
5. Nonacute Lateral Elbow Injuries
6. Wrist and Hand Injuries
Section 2: Hip
Marc Safran, MD, Editor
7. Groin and Pelvis Injuries
8. Hip Joint Injuries
9. Techniques for Arthroscopy of the Hip
Section 3: Knee/Leg
Darren Johnson, MD, Editor
10. Muscle Injuries
11. Patellofemoral Joint Injuries
12. Knee Ligament Injuries
13. Articular Cartilage Lesions/Osteoarthritis
14. Meniscal Injuries
15. Overuse Injuries of the Lower Extremity
16. Athletic Foot Disorders
17. Athletic Ankle Injuries
Section 4: Rehabilitation
Todd Ellenbecker, MD, Editor
18. Rehabilitation Principles Following Rotator Cuff and Superior Labral Repair
19. Rehabilitation of the Overhead Athletes Elbow
20. Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Rehabilitation Concepts
21. Rehabilitation Following Osteochondral Injury to the Knee
22. Core Stabilization
23. Hip Arthroscopy Rehabilitation: Evidence-Based Practice
Section 5: Head and Neck
Stan Herring, MD, Editor
24. Assessment and Return to Play Following Sports-Related Concussion
25. Cervical Spine
Section 6: Tendinopathy
Karim Khan, MD, Editor
26. Tendon Overuse Pathology: Implications for Clinical Management
27. Exercise for the Treatment of Tendinopathy
28. The Nonsurgical Treatment of Tendinopathy
29. Surgical Therapy for Tendinopathy
30. Sclerosing Polidocanol Injections for Chronic, Painful Tendinosis
Section 7: Medical Issues
Margot Putukian, MD, Editor
31. Sports Nutrition
32. Sports Psychology and Mental Health Issues
33. Cardiac Issues
34. Infectious Disease in Athletes
35. Heat and Hydration
Section 8: The Youth Athlete
Andrew Gregory, MD, Editor
36. Osteochondroses and the Young Athlete
37. Pediatric Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries
38. Spondylolysis
39. Exertional Heat Illness in Youth Sports
40. Strength Training in Youth
41. Youth Throwing Injuries
Section 9: Imaging Update
Timothy Averion Mahloch, MD, Editor
42. Imaging