정형외과를 전공하는 전공의 및 전문의를 위한 정형외과 해부학의 완성본.
champbell과 chapman외 다수의 정형외과 교과서를 축약한 surgical anatomy book이다.
세번째 개정으로 일러스트는 더욱 사실화되었으며, surgical approach를 더욱더 강화하였다.
과거에 실렸던 내용을 교정하고 참고문헌을 달아 evidenced base approach를 강조하였다.
책을 펼치는 순간 누구나 쉽게 이해하고 정리해 나갈 수 있는 정형외과의를 위한 해부학!
결코 실망하지 않을 것이다.
3rd Edition: Preface
It has been 14 years since 'Anatomy for orthopedic surgeon' was born. It was originally my own notebook I had written
for studying, but somehow passed down to the colleagues, and later published as a book. The revised edition focuses on
fixing some typographical errors and illustrations. In addition, I studied the illustrator program to create pictures
that can help easier understanding of an innervation. As the number of reader has been increasing, there were some
requests to translate the whole text into English.
Without the works of Kyung-Soo Oh, Joon-Suk Park, Jae-Kyoung Jung, Jung-Sup Keum and Siti Hawa Tahir who are now back
to Malaysia, for the last two years, this book could not be completed. They took the time to assist me despite their
busy schedule. This 3rd edition will be useful for clinical trials as it contains clinical points, including those
reflect the helpful comments I gained from many of the readers as well as those from my clinical experiences. Moreover,
it is transformed into a vivid book by changing the pictures, which hugely depended on the foreign books, into Korean
ones with the help of Koonja publishing company and by re-drawing the illustrations that look closer to real things.
I would like to thank Ye-ryeon Noh and the CEO, Joo-yeon Jang who put their utmost efforts to fix even small errors
whether it was hot summer or cold winter. Also, I would like to ask your sharp advice on the book if there is any part
that needs to be changed and wish all of the readers a huge success in the future.
May 2009
Chapter 1. Neck & Pectoral region 1
Chapter 2. Shoulder & Upper arm 47
Chapter 3. Elbow & Forearm 101
Chapter 4. Wrist & Hand 169
Chapter 5. Pelvis, Hip & Thigh 231
Chapter 6. Knee & Lower Leg 331
Chapter 7. Foot & Ankle 397
Chapter 8. Spine 451