softcover - 432 pages Prepared by residents and fellows at the Washington University School of Medicine, this handbook
covers the full spectrum of infectious disease problems with the same front-lines practicality as the world-famous
Washington Manual® of Medical Therapeutics. This consult manual offers clinicians valuable assistance in determining
what infections the patient is at risk for, where and how (s)he acquired the infection, how to evaluate and manage the
patient, and what complications to expect. Chapters on infections of each organ system begin with an approach to that
organ system. Other topics covered include bioterrorism, sexually transmitted diseases, brucellosis, systemic mycoses,
immunizations, and antimicrobials. This handbook is also available electronically for handheld computers. See PDA
listing for details. The Washington Manual® is a registered mark belonging to Washington University in St. Louis to
which international legal protection applies. The mark is used in this publication by LWW under license from Washington