Expert Differential Diagnoses: Obstetrics(DDX)

  • 저   자 : Woodward
  • 역   자 :
  • 출판사 : LWW
  • ISBN(10) : 1931884102
  • ISBN(13) : 9781931884105
  • 발행일 : 2009  /   1판   /   500 페이지
  • 상품코드 : 20796
  • 적립금: 7,200

Part of the brand-new Expert Differential Diagnoses series, this unique print-and-electronic reference will guide
radiologists toward logical, on-target differential diagnoses based on key imaging findings and clinical information.
The book presents the most useful differential diagnoses in obstetrics, grouped into sections on first trimester, fetal
anatomic abnormalities, multiple gestations, placenta/membranes, umbilical cord, amniotic fluid, fetal growth and well-
being, uterus-cervix, maternal conditions in pregnancy, and postpartum complications. Each differential diagnosis
includes at least eight clear, sharp, succinctly annotated images; a list of diagnostic possibilities sorted as common,
less common, and rare but important; and brief, bulleted text offering helpful diagnostic clues.

The companion online Amirsys® e-Book Advantage™ provides additional annotated images.

FIRST TRIMESTER: Bleeding with IUP / Bleeding without Visible IUP / Abnormal Sac Contents / Abnormal Sac Position /
Adnexal Mass in First Trimester / First Trimester Membranes / First Trimester Pelvic Pain / Increased Nuchal
Translucency / Abnormal First Trimester Fetus

Brain: Mild Ventriculomegaly / Absent Cavum Septi Pellucidi / Hydrocephalus / Fluid-filled Calvarium / Intracranial
Cysts: Midline / Intracranial Cysts: Lateral / Posterior Fossa Cyst/Fluid Collection / Abnormal Cerebellum / Abnormal
Brain Parenchyma / Absent Calvarium / Abnormal Calvarium / Microcephaly / Macrocephaly / Intracranial Calcifications /
Intracranial Mass
Spine: Spinal Mass / Abnormal Spine Position / Abnormal Vertebral Column

FACE/NECK: Facial Cleft / Micrognathia / Abnormal Midface / Abnormal Eyes / Abnormal Ears / Macroglossia / Facial
Mass / Neck Mass

CHEST: Simple Fluid Collection, Chest / Solid/Echogenic Lung Mass / Cystic Lung Mass / Small Chest

CARDIAC: Abnormal Cardiac Axis / Chamber Asymmetry / Septal Defect / Abnormal Outflow Tracts / Cardiomegaly / Abnormal
Rate or Rhythm / Cardiac Mass

Abdominal Wall: Abdominal Wall Defect
Gastrointestinal Tract: Small/Absent Stomach / Echogenic Bowel / Dilated Bowel / Ascites / Abdominal Calcifications /
Large Abdominal Circumference / Hepatomegaly / Cystic Abdominal Mass / Solid Abdominal Mass
Genitourinary Tract: Mild Pelviectasis / Fetal Hydronephrosis / Echogenic Kidneys / Renal Enlargement / Cystic Kidney /
Absent Kidney / Large Bladder / Absent/Small Bladder / Adrenal Mass / Ambiguous Genitalia / Scrotal Mass

MSK: Mildly Short Femur/Humerus / Severe Limb Shortening / Angulated Bones / Abnormal Ossification / Abnormal Foot /
Radial Ray Malformation / Abnormal Digits / Polydactyly / Syndactyly / Abnormal Fetal Posture/Movement

MULTIPLE GESTATIONS: Membranes in Multiple Gestations / Discordant Twin Growth / Asymmetric Fluid Distribution / Twin
Related Anomalies / Conjoined Twins

PLACENTA/MEMBRANES: Placental Sonolucencies / Abnormal Placental Location / Abnormal Placental Margin / Placental Mass-
Like Lesions / Placentomegaly / Abnormal Placental Cord Insertion

CORD: Abnormal Umbilical Cord / Abnormal Umbilical Cord Vessels

FLUID: Oligohydramnios / Polyhydramnios / Echogenic Amniotic Fluid / Linear Echoes in Amniotic Fluid

GROWTH AND WELL BEING: IUGR: Early Onset / IUGR: Late Onset / Macrosomia / Hydrops / Fetal Anemia / Abnormal Fetal

UTERUS-CERVIX: Short Cervix / Uterine/Cervical Mass / Uterine Anomalies

MATERNAL CONDITIONS IN PREGNANCY: Uterine Size < Dates / Uterine Size > Dates / Antepartum Hemorrhage / Ovarian Lesions
in Pregnancy / Elevated MSAFP / Abnormal Beta HCG / Hyperemesis / Acute Abdomen in Pregnancy / C-section
Complications / Breast Mass in Pregnancy

POSTPARTUM COMPLICATIONS: Postpartum Hemorrhage / Postpartum Pain/Fever


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