Review of Surgery:Basic Science and Clinical Topics for ABSITE

  • 저   자 : Mostafa
  • 역   자 :
  • 출판사 : Springer
  • ISBN(10) : 038729080X
  • 발행일 : 2006  /   1판   /   455 페이지
  • 상품코드 : 19185
  • 적립금: 972

This book provides an invaluable study aid for all general surgery
residents preparing for the American Board of Surgery In-Training
Examination (ABSITE). Concisely written overviews of each topic
covered on the exam combined with the self-test format offer a new
and innovative approach. Each chapter is a short summary of a basic
science or clinical topic and includes hundreds of related questions
like those found on ABSITE. The book is targeted to trainees at
various levels and also can be used to prepare for the qualifying
(written) and certifying (oral) exams given by the American Board of
Surgery upon completion of training.



The Cell * Cytokines * Growth Factors * Neutrophiles * Macrophages *
Lymphocytes * Nitrous Oxide * Normal Wound Healing * Abnormal Wound
Healing * Chronic Wounds * Oncogenes * Tumor Suppressor Genes *
Cancer Growth & Spread * Biopsy * Radiotherapy * Chemotherpy *
Immunotherapy * Tumor Markers * Cancer Screening * The Sentinel Node
* Surgical Ultrasound * CT & MRI * Isotope Scans * PET Scan *
Angiography * Laser * Electrocautery * Statistical Tests * Clinical
Trials * Surgical Pharmacology * Operative Risk * General Anesthesia
* Regional Anesthesia * Local Anesthesia * Sedation & Analgesia *
Neuromuscular Blockade * Surgical Microbes * Nosocomial Infections *
Antibiotics * Soft Tissue Infections * Abdominal Sepsis * Metabolic
Principles * Starvation & Stress * Response to Injury * Initial
Trauma Evaluation * Nutrition * Coagulation * Anticoagulation *
Coagulopathy * Hypercoagulable States * Transfusion * Shock Overview*
Monitoring * Cardiovascular Medications * Compartment Syndromes *
Thermal Injuries * Cold Injuries * Electrical Burns * Sodium *
Potassium * Magnesium * Calcium * Phosphorus * Acidosis * Alkalosis *
Renal Failure * Basic Immunology * Rejection * Therapeutic
Immunosupprssion * Kidney Transplant * Liver Transplant *Pancreas
Transplant * Heart/Lung Transplant * Immunocompromised Host * Head &
Neck Cancer * Salivary Glands * Neck Trauma * Neck Dissection * Neck
Masses * Thoracic Anatomy* Pulmonary Physiology * Pulmonary Function
Tests * Respiratory Failure * Mechanical Ventilation * Congenital
lung lesions * Lung cancer * The Pleura * Mediastinal Masses * The
Chest Wall * Thoracic Outlet Syndrome * Chest Injuries * Cardiac
Physiology * Congenital Heart Lesions * Myocardial Ischemia * Anatomy
of the Breast * Breast Complaints * Benign Breast Lesions * In-Situ
Breast Carcinoma * Invasive Breast Cancer * Inflammatory Breast
Cancer * Phyllodes Tumors * The Male Breast * Skin Malignancy *
Melanoma * Soft Tissue Sarcoma Lymphoma * Gastrointestinal Embryology
* Gastrointestinal Symptoms * Esophageal Anatomy & Physiology *
Esophageal Function Tests * Esophageal Motor Disorders * GERD *
Esophageal Perforation & Injury * Esophageal Diverticula * Esophageal
Tumors * Esophagectomy * Gastric Anatomy * Gastric Physiology * H.
Pylori * Peptic Ulcers * Gastric Polyps * Gastric Cancer *
Gastrointestinal Lymphoma * Gastroduodenal Surgery * Intestinal
Anatomy * Digestion Gut Hormones * Intestinal Motility * Colorectal
Physiology* Crohn’s Disease * Ulcerative Colitis * Small Bowel
Neoplasms * Colonic Polyps * Colon Cancer * Rectal Cancer * Bowel
Obstruction * Meckel’s Diverticulum * Liver Anatomy * Liver
Functions * Hepatobiliary Imaging * Jaundice * Liver Masses * Liver
Abscesses * Benign Liver Tumors * Malignant Liver Tumors * Hepatitis
* Portal Hypertension * Liver Failure * Hepatectomy * Biliary Anatomy
& Physiology * Biliary Infections * Biliary Dyskinesia * Biliary
Strictures * Choledochal Cysts * Gallbladder Cancer * Pancreatic
Anatomy * Pancreatic Anomalies * Pancreatic Physiology* Acute
Pancreatitis * Chronic Pancreatitis * Pancreatic Pseudocysts *
Pancreatic Endocrine Tumors * P


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