CT와 MRI, US를 올바로 이해하기란 그리 쉽지 않다. 전남대학교 의과대학 방사선과에서 2억원의 연구비를 지원받아 개발한
이 CD-ROM 교재는 CT/MRI/US의 기본 원칙들이 설명되어 있는 것은 물론이고 인체 전반에 걸친 CT/MRI/US 사진을 해부학적 사진을 통해 이해하고 자가 학습할 수 있도록 고안되었다.
1. Primarily designed for medical students and will also be useful for residents, fellows, and physicians who want to
refresh their knowledge of radiological imaging
2. A total of 300 cross-sectional images of the human anatomy: CT, T1/T2-weighted MRI, US, and full-colored anatomical
schema, together with a function of zooming all images forcloser examination
3. In addition, approximately 150 full-colored illustrations for the purpose of demonstrating the basic principles of CT,
MRI and US, including surface anatomy and 3D animated images
4. Audio pronunciation of over 500 anatomic terms by native speakers of English, which are hyperlinked to localization
of the individual anatomic organs and tissue.
5. Principles and techniques of CT, MRI, and US are explained with hyperlinked text, animation and life-like 3D images.
6. Anatomical location on the cross-sectional CT/MRI/US/Schematic images is user-friendly searchable by keyword,
with easy-to-use hypermedia links.