Treatment of Skin Disease Comprehensive Therapeutic Strategies 2/e

  • 저   자 : Lebwohl
  • 역   자 :
  • 출판사 : Mosby
  • ISBN(10) : 0323036031
  • ISBN(13) : 9780323036030
  • 발행일 : 2006  /   2판   /   752 페이지
  • 상품코드 : 18251
  • 적립금: 4,284

Rely on the expert advice in this comprehensive title! The new
edition provides all-new full-color clinical photographs뾬ver 300 in
all뾞nd features 18 new chapters covering current concerns, such as
the dermatological manifestations of common bioterrorism agents.
You'll also find up to four therapies for each condition, an easy-to-
use alphabetical organization, information on how to treat over 250
diseases and the best clinical evidence for all treatment

Key Features

*Provides expert guidance on the treatment of over 250 diseases뾣rom
the common to the therapeutically challenging.

*Discusses the most common treatments as well as the best third- and
fourth-line therapies.

New to this Edition

*Provides all-new full-color clinical photographs?00 in all.

*Features 18 new chapters covering current concerns such as the
dermatological manifestations of common bioterrorism agents.

*Presents fresh perspectives with a new team of authors.

*Aids understanding and eliminates unnecessary confusion through
detailed cross referencing.

Table of Contents

Acanthosis nigricans ?Acne nuchae keloidalis ?Acne vulgaris ?
Acrodermatitis enteropathica ?Actinic keratoses ?Actinic prurigo ?
Actinomycosis ?Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis ?
Allergic contact dermatitis and photoallergy ?Alopecia areata ?
Amyloidosis ?Androgenetic alopecia ?Angiokeratoma corporis
diffusum ?Angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia ?Anogenital
warts ?Antiphospholipid syndrome ?Aphthous stomatitis ?Arthropod
bites and stings ?Atopic dermatitis ?Bacillary angiomatosis ?
Balanitis ?Basal cell carcinoma ?Becker뭩 nevus ?Beh?t's
Disease ?Bioterrorism ?Blastomycosis (North American
blastomycosis) ?Blistering distal dactylitis ?Bowen's disease and
Erythroplasia of Queyrat ?Bullous pemphigoid ?Calcinosis cutis ?
Calciphylaxis ?Candidiasis and chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis ?
Capillaritis ?Cat scratch disease ?Cellulite ?Cellulitis and
erysipelas ?Chancroid ?Cheilitis ?Chilblains ?Chondrodermatitis
nodularis helicis ?Chromoblastomycosis ?Chronic actinic
dermatitis ?Coccidioidomycosis ?Cryptococcosis ?Cutis larva
migrans ?Darier's disease ?Decubitus ulcers ?Delusions of
parasitosis ?Dermatitis artefacta ?Dermatitis herpetiformis ?
Dermatologic non disease ?Dermatomyositis ?Diaper dermatitis ?
Discoid eczema ?Discoid lupus erythematosus ?Dissecting cellulitis
of the scalp and folliculitis decalvans ?Drug eruptions ?
Eosinophilic fasciitis ?Epidermal nevi ?Epidermodysplasia
verruciformis ?Epidermolysis bullosa ?Epidermolysis bullosa
acquisita ?Erythema annulare centrifugum ?Erythema dyschromicum
perstans ?Erythema elevatum diutinum ?Erythema multiforme ?
Erythema nodosum ?Erythrasma ?Erythroderma ?
Erythrokeratodermas ?Erythromelalgia ?Erythropoietic
protoporphyria ?Extramammary Paget's disease ?Flushing ?
Follicular mucinosis ?Folliculitis ?Fox-Fordyce disease ?
Furunculosis ?Geographic tongue ?Gianotti-Crosti syndrome ?
Glossodynia/burning mouth syndrome ?Gonorrhea ?Graft versus host
disease ?Granuloma annulare ?Granuloma faciale ?Granuloma
inguinale ?Granulomatous cheilitis ?Hailey-Hailey disease ?
Hemangiomas ?Hereditary angioedema ?Hereditary hemorrhagic
telangiectasia ?Herpes simplex ?Herpes zoster ?Hidradenitis
suppurativa ?Histoplasmosis ?Hydroa vacciniforme ?
Hyperhidrosis ?Hypertrichosis and hirsutism ?Ichthyoses ?
Impetigo ?Irritant contact dermatitis ?Juvenile plantar
dermatosis ?Juvenile xanthogranuloma ?Kaposi sarcoma ?Kawasaki
disease ?Keloid scarring ?Keratoacanthoma ?Keratosis pilaris and
variants ?Langerhans cell histiocytosis ?Leg Ulcers ?Leiomyoma ?
Leishmaniasis ?Lentigo maligna ?Leprosy including reactions ?
Leukocytoclastic vasculitis ?Lichen myxedematosus ?Lichen
nitidus ?Lichen planopilaris ?Lichen planus ?Lichen sclerosus ?
Lichen simplex chronicus ?Linear IgA bullous de


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