1. Introduction
2. Prevalence of Gastrointestinal Symptoms
3. Methodologic Considerations in the Management of Pediatric
Recurrent Abdominal Pain
4. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: Causation, Diagnosis,
Correlation of Symptoms/Severity Healing
5. Barrett’s Esophagus
6. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: Surgical Approach
7. Other Gastroesophageal Motility Disorders
8. Helicobacter pylori-Related Ulcer Disease: Causation,
Diagnosis, Treatment, and Complications
9. Helicobacter pylori Infection and Gastroesophageal Reflux
Disease: Current Controversies
10. Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug-Related Peptic Ulcer
11. Prevention of Recurrent Bleeding from Peptic Ulcers with
Antisecretory Therapy
12. Peptic Ulcer Disease: Stress Ulceration
13. Upper Gastrointestinal Cancer
14. Dyspepsia: Classification, Diagnosis, and Therapy
15. Postcholecystectomy Right Upper Quadrant Pain: Without
16. Irritable Bowel Syndrome
17. Functional Anorectal Disorders
18. Ulcerative Colitis
19. Treatment of Patients with Crohn’s Disease
20. Colorectal Cancer Screening
21. Colorectal Cancer Therapy
22. Celiac Disease
23. Infectious Diarrhea
24. AIDS and the Gut
25. Parenteral Nutrition in Gastrointestinal Disease
26. Gallstone Disease
27. Hepatitis B
28. Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis C
29. Variceal Hemorrhage
30. Acute Pancreatitis
31. Economics Evaluations in Gastrointestinal Disease