Infectious Diseases 2 Vol Set-2판

  • 저   자 : Cohen
  • 역   자 :
  • 출판사 : Mosby
  • ISBN(10) : 0323024076
  • ISBN(13) : 9780323024075
  • 발행일 : 2004  /   2판   /   2150 페이지
  • 상품코드 : 15279
  • 적립금: 8,424

Section 1: Introduction to Infectious Diseases 1. Nature and
pathogenicity of micro-organisms 2. Host responses to infection
3. Prevention and chemoprophylaxis 4. Emerging and re-emerging
pathogens and diseases 5. Diseases of unknown etiology that may
be due to infections 6. Bioterrorism 7. Microbial genomes
Section 2: Syndromes by Body System SKIN AND SOFT TISSUE 8.
Viral exanthems 9. Cellulitis, pyoderma, abscesses and other
skin and subcutaneous infections 10. Necrotising fasciitis, gas
gangrene, myositis and myonecrosis 11. Ectoparasites 12.
Dermatologic manifestations of systemic infections 13.
Superficial fungal infections 14. Spotted fevers 15. Practice
Points: Approach to the acutely febrile patient who has a
generalized rash ?Management of the foot ulcer ?Role of
hyberbaric oxygen in the management of gas gangrene THE
LYMPHATIC SYSTEM 16. Generalized and regional lymphadenopathy
17. Practice Points: Management of the solitary enlarged lymph
node THE EYE 18. Conjunctivitis, keratitis and infections of
periorbital structures 19. Endophthalmitis 20. Infectious
retinitis and uveitis 21. Practice Points: Eye problems and the
patient in the intensive care unit THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM
22. Acute and chronic meningitis 23. Viral infections of the CNS
24. Brain abscess and other focal pyogenic infections 25. Toxin-
mediated disorders: tetanus, botulism and diptheria 26.
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies of humans and animals
27. Postinfectious and vaccine-related encephalitis 28.
Infections in hydrocephalus shunts 29. Neurotropic virus
disorders 30. Practice Points: Neuroradiology ?Lumbar
puncture ?Approach to the patient who has fever and headache ?
Empiric antimicrobial therapy for suspected infection of the
central nervous system THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 31. Pharyngitis,
laryngitis and epiglottitis 32. Otitis, sinusitis and related
conditions 33. Bronchitis, bronchiectasis and cystic fibrosis
34. Community-acquired pneumonia 35. Hospital-acquired pneumonia
36. Lung abscesses and pleural abscesses 37. Tuberculosis 38.
Nontuberculosis mycobacteria 39. Endemic mycoses 40. Practice
Points: Aspiration of pleural fluid: pleural biopsy ?
Sternotomy wound infection ?The pros and cons of antibiotics
for pharyngitis and otitis media ?When to use corticosteroids
in noncentral nervous system tuberculosis ?How to manage
patient on anti-TB therapy with abnormal liver enzymes ?For
how long should antibiotics be given for common community
infections ?The place of antibiotics in the management of
COPD ?Management of the infected cystic fibrosis patient THE
GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM 41. Orocervical and esophageal infection
42. Gastritis, pepic ulceration and related conditions 43.
Enteritis, enterocolitis and infectious diarrhea syndromes 44.
Antibiotic-associated colitis/diarrhea 45. Whipple's disease 46.
Parasitic infections of the gastrointestinal tract 47.
Perionitis, pancreatitis and intra-abdominal abscesses 48. Viral
hepatitis 49. Hepatobiliary infections 50. Practice Points:
Management of and outbreak of gastroenteritis ?Management of
persistent postinfectious diarrhea ?Antibiotics in infectious
gastroentiritis or diarrhea BONE AND JOINTS 51. Infective and
reactive arthritis 52. Acute and chronic osteomyelitis 53.
Infections of prosthetic joints and related problems 54. Lyme
disease 55. Practice Points: Fever and arthralgia ?How long
should osteomyelitis be treated ?Management if chronic
infection in prosthetic joints BLOODSTREAM, HEART AND VESSELS
56. Sepsis 57. Infections associated with intravascular lines,
grafts and devices 58. Myocarditis and pericarditis 59.
Endocarditis and endarteritis 60. Rheumatic fever 61. Practice
Points: Role of white cell scans for deep-seated sepsis ?
Should infected intravascular lines be removed? OBSTETRIC AND
GYNECOLOGICAL INFECTIONS 62. Vaginitis, vulvitis and cervicitis


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