Practical Pain Management-3판(2002)

  • 저   자 : Tollison
  • 역   자 :
  • 출판사 : LWW
  • ISBN(10) : 0781731607
  • ISBN(13) : 9780781731607
  • 발행일 : 2002  /   3판   /   829 페이지
  • 상품코드 : 10666
  • 적립금: 3,204

Practical Pain Management

SECTION Ⅰ : Foundations
1. Anatomy of Pain

2. The Neurobiology of Pain

3. The Psychology of Pain

4. Taxonomy and Classification of Pain

SECTION Ⅱ : Diagnostics

5. Focused Evaluation of the Pain Patient

6. Medical Electrodiagnostics

7. Psychological Evaluation and Assessment of Pain

8. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Injections

SECTION Ⅲ : Therapeutic Modalities

9. Manipulative Therapy in the Management of Pain

10. Rehabilitation Therapies in Pain and Disability

Management : An Activity Driven Biopsychosocial Model

of Practice

11. Neuroaxial Opioid Therapy

12. Neurostimulation Techniqes

13. Neurosurgical Options for the Management of Intractable


14. Cognitive Behavioral Therapies and Beyond

15. Alternative Therapies

16. Opioid Analgesics

SECTION Ⅳ : Pharmacologic Intervention

17. Behavioral Issues and Controversies in Opioid Anagesia

for Cancer and Nonmalignant Chronic Pain

18. Nonopioid and Adjuvant Analgesics

19. Pharmacological Management of Chronic Pain : A Review

20. Anticonvulsants and Muscle Relaxants

21. Pediatric and Geriatric Medication Considerations

22. Opiate, Hypnosedative, Alcohol, and Nicotine

Detoxification Protocols

23. Pharmacological Management of Pain in the Terminally ill

24. Migraine and the Primary Headaches

SECTION Ⅴ : The Treatment of Selected Pain Disorders

25. Orofacial Pain : Differential Diagnosis and Treatment

26. Differential Diagnosis and Management of Cervical Spine


27. Differential Diagnosis and Management of Cervical Spine


28. Spinal Disc Disease

29. Neuropathic Pain in Periphral Neuropathies

30. Neuropraxic Injuries

31. Gynecologic Pain

32. Concepts in Male Genitourinary Pain

33. Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

34. Phantom Pain : What It Is and What To Do

35. Postherpetic Neralgia

36. Chronic Joint and Connective Tissue Pain

37. Evaluation and Management of Nonarticular Rheumatic

Pain Disorders

38. Myofascial Pain : Evaluation and Treatment Strategies :

Focus on Brachial Plexus Traction Injury (Neurogenic

Thoracic Outlet Syndome)

39. The Somatizing Disorders : Diagnostic and Treatment

Aproaches for Pain Medicine

SECTION Ⅵ : Cancer Pain

40. Cancer Pain Management

41. Management of Cancer Pain Utilizing Radiation Therapy

42. Cancer Pain : Psychological Management

SECTION Ⅶ : Pain and Medicolegal Issues

43. Pain and the Social Security Disability System : The

Validation of Pain

44. Pain in Workers` Compensation and Personal Injury Law

45. The Pain Physician`s Role in Legal Proceedings

46. Compliance for Pain Physicians

47. Evaluating and Rating of Physical Impairment

48. Evaluation and Rating of Psychologcal Impairment and


49. Pain Management in Primary-Care Medical Practice

50. Pain in Infants and Children

51. Office and Hospital Pain Consultations

52. Outpatient Rehabilitation Programs for Patients with

Chronic Pain

53. Hospital-based Inpatient Treatment Programs

54. Providing Pain Management Services under the Managed

Care Paradigm


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