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1) ISBN: 9781451186277
Diseases of the Breast 5e (3권)
2) ISBN: 9781451190212
Operative Techniques in Breast, Endocrine, and Oncologic Surgery (3권)
3) ISBN:9780323329040
Breast Imaging (Hardcover / 3rd Ed.) : The Requisites (Requisites in Radiology)[Hardcover] (1권)
4) ISBN:9783709118733
Oncoplastic Breast Surgery: A Guide to Clinical Practice 2nd ed (3권)
5) ISBN: 9780323734059
minimally invasive (endoscopic and robotic) breast surgery (1권)
6) ISBN:9791155900482
한 눈에 쏙쏙 의학통계 배우기 2판 (1권)
7) ISBN:9788989418030
의학논문 제대로 읽기 -트리샤 할리프 (1권)
8) ISBN:9788962789850
한 손에 잡히는 임상연구 (1권)